What To Eat Before Doing Sports

Is it good to eat before your daily training session or competition? The answer is yes. The benefits of food before exercise are widely demonstrated: by eating, we provide our body with the energy it will need for sports.
What to eat before playing sports

Unlike popular opinion, it is very important to eat before physical training, because the body will need energy. Let’s see together what to eat before playing sports.

Nutrition is even more important if training is done in the morning. It has been shown that when you eat before going for a run or to the gym, you get better results. But it is necessary to choose the foods very well. Below we will see what to eat before doing sports .

What to eat before playing sports

It depends on the type of sport

To choose what to eat before playing sports, first of all you need to consider the type of activity and the intensity with which it will be performed. It is also important to consider your goals.

For example, if you want to lose weight and burn fat, it is best to eat low-calorie foods. In this way, you will avoid nourishing the glucose reserves of the muscles and liver.

If, on the other hand, the goal is to perform a very intense workout or gain muscle mass, you need to take care of the reserves before starting. The body will need a lot of energy and for this the best option is foods that contain proteins, some fats and carbohydrates.

When and how much to eat before sport

Foods recommended for sport
Eating well before exercise is essential for maintaining good energy during sports.

It is important to consume food at least half an hour before starting physical activity, if possible a little more, depending on the type of food. Otherwise the body will be busy digesting and not using food as fuel.

It is also essential to pay attention to the amount of food taken before sport. Otherwise, it is possible to feel sick during exercise, have a stomach ache, feel weighted or lack energy. The ideal would be to eat a moderate portion of nutritious foods.

Carbohydrates, proteins and liquids

In general, before exercise, you need to consume easy-to-digest carbohydrates. Bread, cereals, pasta, rice and some fruits and vegetables will provide the necessary energy. The ideal is to consume a mixture of simple and compound carbohydrates.

Since we will be working our muscles, it will also be important to consume foods that contain proteins. This group includes ham, eggs, dairy products, etc. The essential thing is to consume these products by calculating the time needed to digest them.

And of course, it is essential to stay hydrated before, during and after any type of workout. Half a liter of water is the minimum you need to drink before exercise. You can also drink fruit juice or a stimulating drink such as coffee or tea, especially when exercising in the morning.

Some ideas of what to eat before playing sports

Sport smoothies
Fruits, smoothies, and grains are ideal alternatives with a high load of simple and complex carbohydrates.

Banana is the perfect fruit before and after sports. It offers a high potassium content that replenishes the body with minerals lost during physical activity. In addition, it contains carbohydrates, which provide the energy needed for physical training.

Smoothies are also an excellent option. They are quick to prepare and you can include very varied ingredients to make them more nutritious and energizing. The ideal is to always add fruit, yogurt and muesli or some cereal.

Well prepared and with the right ingredients, the smoothie will be a complete food rich in proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates, a perfect contribution to prepare the body for exercise.

When there is not much time, eating a slice of bread with jam is a quick and easy option to give the body the necessary energy. A cereal bar is also a good solution. It is preferable to choose one that is low in calories, free of artificial additives and containing grains, fruits and seeds.

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