Treat Enlarged Liver With Lemon Juice

Thanks to its high content of acids and flavonoids, lemon helps us fight inflammation in the liver and, at the same time, cleanses us of toxins and provides us with vitamins.
Treat an enlarged liver with lemon juice

According to the magazine “Live Support”, where you can find an article entirely dedicated to liver health, regular consumption of lemon can help us treat the problem of an enlarged liver.

Hepatomegaly, or enlarged liver, can be caused by several factors: from inadequate nutrition to liver-related diseases, such as hepatitis, diabetes or even obesity.

Taking into account the many functions that our liver performs, it is not surprising that an infection in this essential organ leads us to have an equally numerous series of problems.

Don’t hesitate to contact your doctor if you notice any symptoms or discomfort. At Vivere Più Sani, we advise you to introduce lemon juice in your diet and take it on a regular basis.

Enlarged liver: possible symptoms

Treat an enlarged liver

Enlarged liver is a disorder that can affect both children and adults. It manifests itself through an enlargement of this organ. Although doctors are able to notice its presence by palpating our abdomen, an x-ray and blood tests are always necessary to confirm the diagnosis.

An enlarged liver is a problem that can be treated, as long as the causes are identified with confidence. For this purpose, it is important to take into account the symptoms related to this pathology, in order to be able to intervene immediately.

  • Pain in the center of the abdomen, a feeling of heaviness and constant need to sit down.
  • Feeling of great tiredness upon waking, accompanied by bad taste in the mouth and headaches.
  • Frequent episodes of fever.
  • Loss of appetite and immediate feeling of fullness after ingesting small amounts of food.
  • Alternation of intestinal problems, such as diarrhea and constipation.
  • Nausea.
  • Jaundice in some patients (slightly yellowed skin and eyes)

A low-quality, high-fat diet leads to liver saturation, a process in which excess both cholesterol and fat builds up. If eating habits are not changed, the problem is aggravated.

It must be remembered that  not treating an enlarged liver can lead to a case of hepatomegaly. The best thing to do will be to consult your doctor.

What are the benefits of lemon for treating an enlarged liver

Lemon juice is useful both for treating an enlarged liver and for preventing. It is very important to have a healthy diet that allows us to counter the problem, as it is known that it is an organ capable of regenerating itself. Let’s see, therefore, what are the virtues that this citrus fruit possesses and what benefits it can bring to our liver.

Warm water with lemon

Lemon as a liver detoxifier

In our blog we have talked about the great usefulness of lemon to purify and detoxify. On this occasion, we will focus on the relationship between lemon and liver:

  • Regular consumption of lemon juice increases the amount of urine thanks to a primary compound called citrate.
  • Citrate, in turn, is a natural inhibitor of toxins which usually accumulate in our liver in the form of stones and prevent its normal functioning.
  • The citric acid present in lemon increases the liver’s ability to destroy toxins and allow their elimination through the urine.

Lemon helps fight liver inflammation and eliminate bad cholesterol

According to a study published in 2002 by the “European Journal of Nutrition”, lemon peel helps us reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and liver. Likewise, liver inflammation decreases.

  • To get these benefits from lemon peel, do not hesitate to put into practice the frozen lemon technique, which we have already told you about in several articles.
  • Lemon is a citrus fruit rich in hesperidin. It is a flavonoid that can protect our liver from damage caused by inflammation or the accumulation of cholesterol.
  • In the opinion of many nutritionists, regular consumption of lemon juice and apple cider vinegar is helpful in treating hepatomegaly. It is a natural supplement that can be useful to you, without ever forgetting, however, the recommendations of your doctor.

Lemon helps decrease the level of fat in the liver

Lemon slice

Starting the day with a glass of warm water to which you have added lemon juice is a simple gesture that will help you improve digestion:

  • Helps to assimilate food and nutrients.
  • lemon juice helps prevent liver enlargement and decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, as it fights fat and cholesterol levels.
  • The flavonoids present in citrus fruits act as excellent digestive tonics, which also reduce the feeling of hunger.
  • Thanks to lemon, it is also possible to increase the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which improves the decomposition and absorption of food.

We therefore invite you to drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice every morning: your liver will be grateful to you.

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