Toxic Families: Disturbances They Can Cause

The problem with toxic families is that they can pour all their insecurities onto minors and make sure that they cannot be independent one day. 
Toxic families: disorders they can cause

Perhaps you identify with many people who have faced a difficult situation at home, because  toxic families are more frequent than we think. Sometimes we are not even aware that we are immersed in one of them.

A complicated situation, a type of toxicity that we cannot escape from, that we cannot avoid. However, do you know that toxic families can also generate or cause mental disorders? Today we delve into this problem.

Toxic families and mental problems

toxic families create problems in childhood that will carry over into adulthood

The family is very important, since it is in it that children are educated and thanks to which they acquire certain skills to communicate with others and relate to the world.

For this reason, it is difficult for us to believe that excessive toxicity can cause severe disturbances; but this is the case if there is no balance or healthy emotions.

There are many types of families, but only the critical families, with serious problems of over-protection and other circumstances that could negatively affect the little ones are those that induce them, one day, to suffer from some psychopathology of an apparently unknown origin. .

It is for this reason that today we tell you about some of the most interesting and real relationships between toxic families and mental problems. Let’s see them together!

1. The pygmalion effect and its influence on children in toxic families

The pygmalion effect consists of the roles adopted by children under the influence of their parents, i.e. the fulfillment of everything a parent wishes or fears about his children.

For this reason, any labels we attach to our children such as “you are a slacker”, “you have a bad temper”, can have a strong impact on them.

The family is unaware of how much it can affect minors. He does not know that any label can be adopted later by the little ones. In some way, parents contaminate their conduct.

2. Loves that kill

toxic families put their hearts in cages

There is a phrase that many parents or families repeat to their children: “Nobody loves you like us”. If children take it literally, it is possible that, even if they did not feel highly appreciated by their family, they do not feel the right to complain because “they were doing it for my good”.

The big problem is that this usually leads to a great silence in the face of more extreme situations such as mistreatment or emotional abuse. It is important to know that family love can be unhealthy and that is why we must question it. The family is not always good just because it is one’s own, sometimes it is toxic.

3. Overprotective parents

Over-protection can cause problems such as emotional addiction, with which little ones will face an ongoing struggle into their adult stage. For this reason it is important to maintain a balance and never go to the extreme of over-protection.

Do you want a safe child? Do you want a person who has confidence in himself? Over-protection is the cause of great insecurity, as well as giving rise to other serious emotional problems that are difficult to get out of. Everything that happens in childhood marks us.

4. Projected desires and insecurities

How often do children get involved in a relationship crisis? Even if we don’t want to admit it, couple problems sometimes absorb us so much that we ignore the little ones of the house, those who suffer most.

Many families also pour their frustrations and insecurities onto the children, thus putting them under great pressure they do not deserve. They are not to blame for the problems of adults.

toxic families cause sadness

All these family situations can degenerate into depression, borderline personality disorders, addictive situations and many other psychopathologies that will make the adult phase very hard and complicated.

Have you lived in a toxic family? What problems has all this caused you? It is not we who choose our family, but at least we can be aware of the problems so as to avoid repeating the same story with our children. Let us remember well: our problems are no greater than theirs.

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