Toxic Elements And Foods In The Kitchen

Raw potato is toxic and can cause seizures or delirium, because it attacks the central nervous system. It is good to boil it so as not to take risks.
Toxic elements and foods in the kitchen

You would certainly never think that the kitchen, such a useful room for all of us, could at the same time be dangerous to health. And yet it is so! The kitchen is full of toxic materials and foods.

In fact, it has been shown that some materials used for kitchen utensils, such as Teflon or plastic, are actually harmful.

The same goes for the improper preparation and cooking of some foods. Read this article to find out more about the “toxic” side of cooking!

The dangers of today’s kitchen: toxic materials


Certainly the most dangerous material for your health and that of your family is Teflon.

It is one of the main coatings of pots and pans that allows you to cook or fry food while preventing it from sticking.

Teflon was invented in 1938 by the DuPont multination company. While it may appear to have solved numerous problems in the kitchen, Teflon is actually made from very harmful materials.

Furthermore, it is not only used in the kitchen, but also has other applications, for example it is a component of spaceships, cable coverings, medical prostheses, paints and paints, prescription lenses, space suits. , engines, waterproof membranes.

non-stick pans with toxic materials

The danger that this material presents is linked to one of its components, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also called C8), indestructible and cumulative.

In 1961 the multinational DuPont was aware of the fact that this material does not decompose in the natural environment and that does cause cancer, infertility, liver problems, hypothyroidism, malformations in fetuses, etc.

Despite this, the company continued to dump factory waste into the water and release toxic fumes into the atmosphere. PFOA acid has been found in rivers, lakes, seas, drinking water, plants and even in the blood of 95% of people around the world.

On the other hand, Teflon is bad for your health because, over time, it deteriorates and peels off, so it adheres to the foods we then eat. The toxic aspect of this element is such that at a temperature of 160 degrees it can kill a small animal, such as a bird.

PFOA acid is also present in bags of chips, popcorn, burgers. In addition, it has been shown to increase the rate of triglycerides and cholesterol.

Hamburger and toxic Teflon

The plastic

The second element used in the kitchen that is harmful to health is plastic.

Nowadays, plastics have millions of applications in daily life; however, this material, in addition to being not very recyclable or biodegradable, requires a very polluting production process.

Plastic contains substances that act as endocrine disruptors in our body, that is, they disrupt the functions of our hormonal system, causing alterations (particularly in children and fetuses).

This mainly applies to flexible plastic packaging, cans and ready-to-eat wrappers.

Food, in fact, comes into contact with this material and the situation worsens if they are heated in the microwave, which occurs practically every day in the homes of millions of people who order and buy ready-to-eat foods and heat them with this appliance.

Using the microwave to reheat ready-to-eat foods is dangerous to health due to the waves it generates to heat food.

Toxic food if poorly prepared

In this section we will not talk about foods that are part of the “fast food” category, because their toxic aspect is quite obvious.

Instead, we prefer to focus on foods that are considered healthy and harmless to health, but which turn out to be quite the opposite if cooked incorrectly.

(Warning: they are NOT harmful foods, but they must be prepared and cooked correctly) .

toxic food in the kitchen

Many foods “hide” a certain degree of toxicity that we all ignore, solely from the fact that they are not cooked correctly. Some of these are as follows:

Cooked white or red beans, toxic if cooked incorrectly

Both must be cooked at a temperature above 100 ° C.

Also, before cooking, it is essential to let them soak for several hours (for example, overnight). If not, they retain a toxic lectin (called phytohemagglutinin, PHA) which can cause stomach upset.

Apple seeds

They contain a compound of glucose and cyanide, called amygdalin, in very small quantities.

IS It is necessary to eat apple seeds in large quantities for these to have a toxic effect on the body. On the other hand, our digestive system assimilates them, so it’s best not to eat them. The same is true with the peach seed.

Bitter almonds

Given their bitter taste, chances are you’ve never eaten them.

However, it is good to know that this bitter taste is due to the same amygdalin we have just talked about, but also to another toxic substance called emulsin.

20 bitter almonds are enough to unleash dangerous health consequences.

Green potatoes

The substance present in potato sprouts is called solanine. It is produced by the potato itself to defend itself against insects and fungi.

When we ingest it in large quantities, it can poison the body. If you buy potatoes with sprouts, the best thing to do is to eliminate them and remove the surrounding part as well. When the potatoes have green skin, do not cook them without peeling them first.

Sweet potato (or American potato)

Never eat them raw as they are toxic and can cause convulsions and delirium, affecting the central nervous system.  IS essential to boil sweet potatoes to destroy the dioscorina, the element that causes these problems.


The leaves and the fruit when it is still green are not good for your health because they contain a molecule, tomatidine, which causes the same effects as the sweet potato.

Some believe it helps lower cholesterol or slow down cancers. In any case, it is necessary to consume well-ripened tomatoes and in no case eat the leaves.


Nutmeg is toxic if used in excess because it contains myristicin, a substance that causes seizures in some people.

If you exceed the consumption of nutmeg, it is essential to do a gastric lavage to avoid more serious problems.

Toxic mushrooms even if edible

Mushrooms are an appetizing food in the gastronomy, but in some people they cause discomfort.

Among the edible mushrooms, there are some that contain hydrazine and that, precisely for this reason, if eaten raw they become toxic.

Images courtesy of Bert Dickerson, Rene, Schwietzke, TwentyFour Students, Tom Ipri, Fotologic and Dr Romesh.

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