Tips To Keep The Spine Healthy

To keep the spine healthy, it is very important to take care of your posture and carry out activities that help strengthen the muscles in this area.
Tips for keeping the spine healthy

The spine is a complex structure that has the task of supporting the body, supporting the head, passing through the neck and back and reaching the pelvis.

It is made up of vertebrae, discs and the spinal cord which, in turn, acts as a means of communication for the brain via the nervous system. For this reason, a displacement of the vertebrae or an injury become obstacles for the signals to reach their recipient. Find out how to keep your spine healthy .

As a result, severe pain is created and, in severe cases, the ability to move, breathe and senses such as touch are impaired.

Therefore, it is essential to take care of it and adopt healthy habits that allow us to keep the spine strong and free of tension.

How to heal the spine

On this occasion we want to share with you 8 tips that you can put into practice to avoid the development of diseases or injuries.

1. Exercise regularly for the spine

exercises for the spine

Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to strengthen and care for the health of the spine.

Sport not only contributes to maintaining a stable weight but also promotes  stretching of the joints by reducing stiffness and tension.   

Obviously, it is necessary to combine cardiovascular activity with strength exercises to achieve greater benefits.

2. Improve body posture

Good body posture, both when walking and when resting, is crucial to avoiding the development of diseases or injuries to the spine.

This is because weight distribution is facilitated and, in turn, the vertebrae and discs are kept in the correct position.          

Trauma, tension and pain that occur in this area of ​​the body are often due to incorrect posture.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

woman and libra

Overweight and obesity are two dangerous conditions for muscle and joint health, as they involve excessive physical exertion, tension and pain.

The accumulation of fat, especially in the abdominal area, increases the chances of suffering from an injury to the spine or stiffness in the back muscles.

It is also associated with problems such as a herniated disc and premature degeneration of the cartilages that protect the bone system.

4. Follow a healthy diet

The consumption of healthy food plays a very important role in the health of the spine and all systems of the body.

In this specific case, it is  necessary to increase the consumption of calcium and vitamin D,  two fundamental nutrients to preserve bone strength and density.

Of course, it’s also vital to ingest healthy sources of protein, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients that are responsible for keeping bones and joints in good condition.

5. Avoid smoking

stop smoking

The toxins contained in cigarettes are related to the development of a wide variety of diseases that negatively affect the quality of life.

These substances travel through the blood and directly  affect the health of cells and tissues.   

Their accumulation in the body is linked to the risk of suffering from spinal problems and disorders.

6. Strengthen the abdominal muscles

Strengthening the abdominal and lower back muscles has many benefits for the spine.

Although many believe it has nothing to do with it, the abdominal area supports the body and helps reduce the load on the back.  

The abdominal muscles not only guarantee us a more aesthetically beautiful body, but also help the spine.

7. Take breaks and stretches for the spine

stretching for the spine

Those who work for several hours in front of the computer or any other device must try to take breaks and stretches.

Even if you adopt a correct posture, staying in the same position for a long time causes tension and stress, especially to the spine.

Stretching helps to relax the muscles and, at the same time, helps to keep the vertebrae stronger and more flexible.

8. Keep stress under control

Among the various negative effects of stress we want to remember that it is harmful to vertebral health.

People who continually submit to stressful situations experience more back, neck, and shoulder pain.     

Furthermore, this emotional state can interfere with the activity of the nervous system and cause other imbalances.

As you can see, the habits to take care of this area of ​​the body are easy to put into practice  and to integrate into your lifestyle.

It is necessary to practice them on a regular basis to avoid running into trauma or problems.

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