Thicker Lashes In A Short Time: Fantastic Tricks

The transparent rimmel gives light, density and a spectacular look. If you cover any dark circles well, you will get a very refined touch.
Thicker lashes in no time: fantastic tricks

Who wouldn’t like to show off thicker lashes? Let’s make them more beautiful and take care of them for a look that makes you fall in love and transmits health and optimism.

Don’t worry, there’s no need to spend a fortune on cosmetics. There are simple homemade tricks that are very effective. Discover them with us.

1. Start with good nutrition


Perhaps you are among those people who have rather thin and sparse eyelashes. Nothing happens, there are many women who manage to improve their appearance. Remember that genetics determine most facial features.

Despite this, with a specific diet and adequate tricks with makeup, you can intensify the look  without resorting to false eyelashes. With a little time and good habits you will succeed in your goal. The best thing is to nourish the lashes from the inside.

Dermatologists point out that a balanced diet, fat-free and with the right intake of vitamins A, B, C and E allows you to show off fuller, longer and shinier lashes.

Why not take their advice?

Recommended foods:

  • Almonds. Eat 6 almonds a day. They are rich in vitamin E, perfect for nourishing the eyelash follicles. In addition, they contain polyphenol, an antioxidant that will prevent them from falling out.
  • Olive oil. For sure you already know: olive oil strengthens eyelashes and provides a large amount of vitamin E, as well as antioxidants capable of counteracting aging and weakness of the eyelashes.
  • The beans. They are a natural source of iron, zinc and B vitamins. What do these elements offer for eyelash health? They strengthen them, nourish them and provide oxygen. They are great.
  • The broccoli. Few vegetables are as healthy for basic functions as well as beauty as broccoli. Did you know that they provide keratin? Thanks to this, your lashes will be thicker, stronger and more beautiful.
  • Avocado. Many studies claim that eating half an avocado a day provides more than 20 vitamins and minerals. All of these are ideal for having thicker lashes.

Easy beauty tricks for thicker lashes

Close up of female green eye

1. Brush your lashes in the evening

It is an easy and effective gesture. Think of your lashes as hair. Brushing them helps  stimulate their growth. So you get rid of dead cells and reactivate blood circulation in the area. It is a daily habit with good results.

2. Castor oil treatment

Infallible, effective and economical. It is always worth having it at home in beauty. Few oils are as useful for eyelashes as castor oil, a natural ingredient that allows us to achieve maximum eyelash hydration.

To benefit from it, just massage your lashes with cotton wool well soaked in this oil. If you do it in the evening after brushing them, you will notice how they gradually get thicker.

3. The talcum powder trick

This is one of the secrets of celebrity makeup artists. It is so simple that it will blow your mind.

  • First take the mascara and apply it on the tips of the lashes, making sure they are well separated.
  • Then dust them delicately with talcum powder. In this way you give intensity. You can apply it with the comb of another mascara as shown in the image below. It is very easy.
  • When they are covered (be careful not to get it into the eye), apply the mascara again. The best way to show off thicker lashes is to apply it from the root up. Never forget the tips as it is the detail that gives more length to the lashes.
talcum powder and mascara brush for thicker lashes

4. Does the mascara always have to be black?

Good question. The truth is, it doesn’t always have to be black. There are several alternatives that help to show off thicker lashes:

  • the transparent rimmel . It gives light, density and a spectacular look, especially in the morning. If you cover any dark circles well, you will get a very chic touch.
  • the coffee-colored rimmel combined with the black one. It’s another makeup artist strategy. Apply coffee-colored mascara from the roots to the middle of the lashes. Then lightly brush the tips with the black one, so that you have lashes that appear longer and thicker. Have you already tried it? It is sensational.

5. Beware of eyelash curlers and waterproof mascara

It is known that the eyelash curlers give an enchanting touch to the look, but it is not advisable to abuse it. Doing it every day will ruin your lashes and run the risk of weakening them. If for some reason you are forced to use it all the time, remember to moisturize your lashes at least twice a day with Vaseline or castor oil.

The same thing goes for waterproof mascaras. Thanks to their composition they last longer, you can even go to the pool or the beach without them melting. However, what is their drawback? It is very difficult to remove them as there are always small traces of product that can damage the lashes. It is best not to abuse these two products.

For the rest, and to conclude, these tips are as easy as they are cheap and within everyone’s reach. By following them you will undoubtedly succeed in obtaining thicker and more beautiful eyelashes.

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