The Penguin That Every Year Visits The Man Who Saved Him

Many times the behavior of animals forces us to reflect. That’s what happened with the incredible story of this penguin and his relationship with the man who saved his life
The penguin who visits the man who saved him every year

We have often heard stories that show us how deep the sentimental relationship that many human beings have with animals can be.

Although it is difficult for some of us to understand it, some animals have a great complicity with their owners and show their affection through truly surprising gestures.

The most common stories are those of dogs or cats, which over time become very special members of the family. We’ve also heard of similar examples featuring cows, pigs, and other domesticated species that get along very well with the people who care for them.

Despite this, even though these bonds are increasingly common nowadays, there are still many stories that make us move and that are hard to believe.

This is the case of the friendship between a Brazilian retiree and a specimen of Magellanic penguin that he rescued in 2011, when the animal was on the verge of death.

Their relationship was disseminated through social networks and important international media, which are committed to emphasizing the feeling of gratitude shown by the penguin.

The story of the Dindim penguin

Brazilian penguin

It all began on a beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when a Brazilian retiree named Joao Pereira de Souza, who worked as a worker and a fisherman, found a dying Magellanic penguin.

The man was worried as soon as he noticed something strange among the rocks of the beach and then decided to get closer to see what it was. There was no shortage of surprise when he found himself in front of this animal, reduced to tragic conditions, covered with oil and completely defenseless.

Obviously, she didn’t think twice about saving him, so she cleaned him of the viscous liquid and took care of him throughout the healing period. He became so fond of the animal that he gave it the name of Dindim and released it into the sea as soon as he saw that he had fully recovered and was in perfect condition.

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Once he greeted the bird, Pereira thought that he would never see the penguin again, but in reality he did not know that he would soon receive a nice surprise.

In fact, a few months after the rescue, Dindim returned to the beach that had united our two protagonists and immediately recognized his savior. Since then, the animal spends about 8 months a year with Pereira, while the rest of the time it migrates to the coasts of Argentina and Chile to feed.

According to the Daily Mail , Dindim swims 5,000 miles to return to his human friend, who has created a special diet to improve the animal’s endurance and strength.

In an interview, the 71-year-old man expressed his love for the penguin, specifying that the penguin doesn’t let anyone else touch it.

“I love this penguin as if it were my son and I think he loves me too,” she said. “No one else can touch him, because he catches them if they try. Dindim lies down on my lap, allows me to shower him and give him sardines to feed him, ”he added.

penguin brazil

Souza says that many repeat to him that his penguin friend will no longer show up once he finds the sea, but he is convinced that he will. For the past four years, it has always arrived in June and then left again in February.

Biologist Paulo Krajewski, who interviewed Joao Pereira de Souza for the Brazilian television network Globo TV, expressed his disbelief at this wonderful story.

“I’ve never seen anything like it. I think the penguin considers Joao to be part of his family and probably also believes that he is one of his own species, ”he specified. “When it sees it, it moves its tail like a dog,” added the biologist.

Another expert on this animal species stated that Dindim’s behavior indicates to us that he recognizes Pereira as he does any other penguin and acts accordingly.

On the beach, Joao greets his friend and knows he will be back soon, just as he has always done in recent years.

Without a doubt, this is another demonstration that animals are good friends and that they can demonstrate more than gratitude.

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