The Nails Reveal The State Of Health

The nails reveal the state of health

Believe it or not, nails reveal a person’s state of health, which is why it is important to observe them well and take care of them.

Women, but also men, are very concerned with the hygiene and care of their nails, they want them to look healthy from an aesthetic point of view.

However, beyond the aesthetic aspect, nails reveal our state of health and, at times, are of great help in identifying a serious ailment in time.

Check your nails regularly, watching for any changes as they may sometimes be a symptom of a health problem in your body.

Do you want to know how the nails reveal the state of health and what problems could be the symptom? Read on to find out more!

How nails reveal our state of health

Discolored nails

Healthy nails have a pink color and a white tinge at the base

In general, healthy nails are pink in color with a pinkish white tinge near the base.

When nails change color, take on a pale hue, or have streaks of other colors, they could signal a hidden health problem:

  • Greenish tint: This complexion is a symptom of a bacterial infection.
  • Reds on the nail bed: there may be an infection in the valves of the heart.
  • Bluish or purplish tint – a sign that your blood oxygen levels are low.
  • Pale nails: symptom of vitamin deficiency or anemia.
  • Blank: symptom of liver problems.

Thick nails

Even though thick nails may appear healthy and strong, excessive thickening is actually not normal. When nails resemble claws, are thick and difficult to cut, they could be a sign of disease.

  • If your nails are normal and become thick, it can be a sign of a lung problem.
  • When, in addition to being thick, they also become wrinkled, then this is a clear symptom of a fungal infection.
  • If they are thick and brittle, there may be a thyroid problem or psoriasis.
  • Abnormal nail thickness could also indicate circulation problems.

Brittle nails

Brittle nails can be a symptom of malnutrition

It is certain that brittle nails can be a consequence of the bad habit of eating them or of bumps.

However, brittle nails are not always due to these reasons and in some moments they could be a symptom of a health problem.

  • Brittle nails that break can indicate a deficiency of folic acid, vitamin C and protein.
  • Brittle nails could be a consequence of malnutrition or anemia.
  • If in addition to being fragile, they also have holes then it could be psoriasis.

Spoon-shaped nails

Concave nails or commonly known as “spoon nails” are a clear sign of an internal problem.

This type of nail alteration is easy to spot because the nail grows hollowed out in the center, as if it forms a kind of hollow.

  • It could be a symptom of anemia.
  • This could be a liver disorder called hemochromatosis, which is when the body absorbs excess iron.
  • Heart problems.
  • Hypothyroidism.

Flaking nails

Flaking nails could be a symptom of psoriasis

The nails are made up of several joined layers of keratin, which gives them a shiny surface appearance.

When the surface of your nails flakes off, your hands are likely to suffer from excessive exposure to rough activities or contact with certain substances.

  • They are the result of very hot, very cold or very dry environments.
  • They could be a reaction to the use of certain chemicals such as soaps or detergents.

Nails with small holes

Holes in the surface of the nails could be the result of bumps or a bad habit of nail biting.

However, in severe cases, they could indicate a health problem that needs special attention.

  • This alteration of the nail surface could be a symptom of psoriasis.
  • A connective tissue disorder.
  • Alopecia areata.
  • Zinc deficiency.

Nails with white spots

White spots on the surface of the nail are a very common problem that can be the result of a bump or poor attention when it comes to nail care. In other cases, small white spots may reveal that:

  • There is a zinc deficiency.
  • You may be suffering from anemia.

Streaked nails

The nails should have a smooth surface with lines that are not noticeable at first glance. If the lines become more or less deep streaks, then there may be something wrong with the body.

  • They indicate iron deficiency.
  • They are a symptom of inflammatory arthritis.
  • Lupus.

Do not forget…

Is it now clear how nails reveal health status? Remember, the relationship between nails and disease is closer than you think.

If you notice any changes in the appearance of your nails, it is best to consult your doctor. Only he will be able to identify the cause and determine if there is indeed a serious health problem or not.

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