The Great Benefits Of Eating Garlic On An Empty Stomach

In addition to its culinary benefits, garlic is increasingly known for fighting a large number of diseases. Its benefits are worth knowing.
The great benefits of eating garlic on an empty stomach

Garlic has spread around the world as an excellent spice to flavor many dishes. However, in addition to its culinary uses, garlic on an empty stomach  is also known as an ingredient with medicinal properties, as it is able to prevent and fight a large number of diseases. While the smell and taste of garlic on an empty stomach may not be very appetizing, it is worth knowing its many benefits and starting to include it more in your diet.

Where do the benefits of garlic come from?

Garlic originated in Central Asia, but its use in alternative medicine dates back to the third millennium in areas of India and ancient Egypt. Century after century, garlic has spread around the world as a powerful ally of our health and as a remedy for many diseases.

Different cultures around the world have begun to praise garlic for its miraculous medicinal properties. It is able, in fact, to improve many aspects of our health, both internal and external. Thus, generation after generation, garlic has been recommended as a natural remedy. Today it is also the subject of many scientific studies aimed at demonstrating its great medicinal power.

Thanks to these studies, we now know that garlic is a powerful natural antibiotic.  It is able to fight and eliminate hundreds of microorganisms that trigger infections and diseases. It has been shown to lower blood pressure and is a remedy for rheumatism, stomach ailments, skin problems, diseases of the nervous system or lack of energy. In addition, it stimulates the circulatory action of the heart and improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Why is it good to eat garlic on an empty stomach?

Eat garlic on an empty stomach

Although garlic can be consumed at any time of day, various studies have shown that the ideal time to eat garlic and to be able to make the most of all its benefits is when you get up and, therefore, on an empty stomach.

The main benefit of eating garlic on an empty stomach is its detoxifying and purifying power. It is able to stimulate the elimination of toxins and residues from the body, as well as facilitate the expulsion of worms and fight typhus. Consuming garlic daily on an empty stomach can, in the long run, protect the body from various health problems, such as certain cancers, diabetes and depression.

Garlic is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that help strengthen the immune system, thus preventing infections and diseases. For this reason, consuming garlic on an empty stomach ensures good immune defenses.  It effectively fights viruses, bacteria, fungi or any other type of microorganism that damages health.

It should also be remembered that to take full advantage of the benefits of garlic, it must be ingested raw. Consuming garlic when cooked is still good, but in this way it can lose up to 90% of its properties. Perhaps the taste of raw garlic isn’t pleasant, but given the benefits, it’s really worth it.

How to detoxify the body by consuming garlic on an empty stomach

How to consume garlic

Now that you know that the main benefit of garlic on an empty stomach is its detoxifying properties, you can adopt the healthy habit of eating a raw garlic clove every day on an empty stomach to cleanse your body. Some experts even recommend eating two cloves of garlic every day, but these are some exceptions.

To enhance the effects of garlic and detoxify the body in no time, we recommend that you start your day by ingesting two tablespoons of finely chopped garlic. After that, you can drink the natural detox juice of your choice. Wait 45 minutes before having breakfast.


  • If you can’t stand the smell or taste of garlic, you can use natural garlic supplements in tablets, which you can buy at a pharmacy or herbalist’s shop.
  • If, on the other hand, you prefer to eat raw garlic raw, you can hide its taste and smell by ingesting some lemon juice or chewing a mint leaf. This way, you can make the most of its benefits by avoiding bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth.
  • To take full advantage of the benefits of garlic, you can also include it more often in your recipes, for example in salads, juices or meat dishes.

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