Savory Cheese And Coconut Muffins: Easy To Prepare And Gluten-free

There are more and more people suffering from gluten or wheat intolerance without being celiac. These savory cheese and coconut muffins are a delicious, simple and healthy alternative to wheat bread.
Savory cheese and coconut muffins: easy to make and gluten-free

There are many people who are interested in gluten-free recipes, especially when it comes to baked goods, which are not always easy to prepare. These cheese and coconut muffins are simple to make and totally gluten-free.

Find out how they are prepared.

Who should follow a gluten-free diet?

Woman refuses bread

Gluten is a protein found in some cereals: wheat, rye and barley. As for oats, there are conflicting theories about it.

People with celiac disease cannot consume any type of food that contains gluten, not even trace amounts. Depending on the degree of sensitivity to this substance, the reaction can be more or less severe.

There are people, however, who gradually become intolerant without being celiac and therefore choose to eliminate this protein from their diet.

These muffins are a tasty and healthy alternative to traditional bread.

Cheese and coconut muffins

Salty muffins

Here are the ingredients and steps to follow to prepare the cheese and coconut muffins: simple and quick.


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 cups of tapioca flour (360 g)
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (80 g)
  • soft or melting cheese (250 g)
  • 1/2 cup of sunflower, olive or coconut oil (110 g)
  • a cup of coconut or rice milk (200 ml)
  • a tablespoon of sea salt (10 g)

Some premises

Some premises before getting into the kitchen:

  • These muffins do not require yeast, as tapioca flour has the ability to make the dough rise.  The secret is in controlling the oven temperature.
  • Tapioca or cassava is a flour derived from cassava, a tuber native to Latin American countries. You can find it in the most well-stocked supermarkets or shops that sell organic products. There is the sweet and sour variety, for this recipe we will use the first.
  • If you want a vegan recipe, you can replace the cheese with two additional cups of grated coconut (160g).
  • You can also add spices to your taste, such as oregano, rosemary, curry, garlic powder, etc.
  • This recipe is simple to prepare: you don’t need to knead or let the dough rise. For added convenience and speed, you can use a blender to blend all the ingredients.


Cheese muffins

To prepare the cheese and coconut muffins, follow these steps:

  • Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, only the bottom. This step is essential for the muffins to start inflating right away.
  • First, beat the eggs. Then add, in this order, the oil, milk and salt. Mix with energy.
  • Incorporate the cheese cut into small pieces.
  • Finally, gradually add the grated coconut and tapioca flour. Mix until all the ingredients are homogeneous.
  • The result will be a rather liquid dough: don’t worry, it has to be like this for the muffins to be soft.
  • Fill the molds with the dough, we recommend using the silicone ones.
  • Bake, placing the molds in the lower part of the oven; leave them at 210 degrees for 20 minutes. Without opening the oven door, you can see the magic of muffins swelling quickly.
  • Finally, turn on the top of the oven and cook for another 20 minutes. This last step is to brown the muffins and prevent them from sagging when you take them out of the oven.
  • Separate the muffins from the molds to evaporate the moisture. Let them cool down a bit, although we advise you to consume them freshly made.

If the muffins are cooked well, they should be puffy and spongy on the inside. You can leave them like this or fill them as you like.

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