Reading In The Evening Is Good For The Brain

Reading is undoubtedly one of the most recommended habits. Did you know that it helps memory and can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s? We talk about it in this article.
Reading in the evening is good for the brain

The book is for many an excellent night company. Getting lost in its pages, savoring stories, deepening the psychology of the characters, allows us to disconnect from that mental noise that sometimes afflicts us. In fact, reading in the evening has many benefits for brain health.

Not just because it’s a pleasant activity, but for many other positives that most of us don’t even imagine. For example, it is a way to feed the mind, to stimulate and seduce it. Don’t forget that reading before bed is a millennial tradition. There must be a reason …

So what are the benefits of this popular practice ? What are the benefits and how does it affect the mind? Let’s find out how and why reading in the evening is good for the brain .

Reading in the evening: the main benefits

Read in bed

1. Increase empathy

Reading improves the reader’s level of empathy. This study conducted by a team of researchers from the University of Toronto confirms this.

In this sense, an experiment was conducted in which a group of people were made to read stories (some short and others long), all in the literary field. This theme was chosen because the researchers felt that informational reading did not contribute to the creative process in the same way.

The results were, to say the least, interesting. The most inflexible (low tolerance) people have increased their level of empathy after reading a few stories.

2. It is gymnastics for the brain

Reading in the evening is good for the brain because it is an activity that stimulates the brain both physically and mentally. Just as we do gymnastics to be able to keep our body in shape, in the same way we can train the brain, to fortify the memory and make it react faster.

When we read before bed, we subject the brain to intense activity. What at first glance might seem a trivial activity is, in reality, a brain enhancer, which continues to feed on knowledge and new concepts.

3. Reading in the evening reduces the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s

According to this study by Dr. Khalsa, reading in the evening can help prevent Alzheimer’s. When reading becomes a habit, the benefits set out in the previous paragraphs are continuous. Although it cannot be guaranteed, as there are many factors that influence its development, it is also true that when one reads, the mind is forced to think while remaining active.

4. It helps us distract ourselves and release emotions

Whether it’s a thriller, a love novel or an essay, it doesn’t matter. As long as the content is interesting for us and motivates us in reading, we release those emotions that we would not be able to express otherwise.

Who has never had a leap in the heart in the most strained part of a narrative? How many times have we been moved at the end of a story? Reading is, to say the least, pleasant to release tension and immerse yourself in a different and stimulating reality.

Woman reading in bed

5. Enrich the vocabulary

Reading leads us to discover new words and enrich our vocabulary. In the case of children, it is a very useful tool for learning new terms.

We can read with them every day for a while. Once they get used to it, they will start doing it themselves. Moreover, it is a good way to acquire new habits and not focus too much on new technologies (such as excessive use of the smartphone or computer).

Read in the evening or in the morning: do it whenever you feel like it

It’s not just before bedtime; any time is good to enjoy the benefits of reading, whether in bed, on the sofa after lunch or at any free time.

There are a multitude of stories and plots that can catch your interest, you have no excuses. Take care of your brain and psychophysical well-being: immerse yourself in reading and discover all its benefits.

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