Phrases You Should Never Tell Your Doctor: This Is What They Are

You must never forget that your doctor is a medical professional and therefore knows all the steps to follow to diagnose a disease.
Phrases you should never tell your doctor: that's what they are

Perhaps belonging to that group of people who search the Internet as soon as they feel a symptom and imagine everything the doctor will tell them. Yet there are phrases you should never say to your doctor that are important to keep in mind.

Have you forgotten the years of study and preparation that doctors have to go through before graduating? Their work, in fact, should not be taken lightly.

For this reason, and out of respect for them, we must avoid saying a few sentences in their presence. We certainly do not want to offend these prepared people who dedicate themselves to saving lives.

Before you go to the doctor, all you have to do is make an appointment. Don’t bother using technical terms, doctors will understand what you are saying. Remember that they too are human beings.

There are those who think that going to the doctor is a waste of time and also those who do not want to spend money on a problem that they could diagnose on their own.

Let’s see what are the phrases that should always be avoided in the presence of your doctor.

1. “I’m sure it’s about …”

phrases never to say to the doctor

We live in an age dominated by technology, which makes it easier for us to find information. When our head hurts, we immediately run to ask Doctor Google what it is and just one click is enough to think we know everything.

At least until a relative or friend forces us to go to a doctor and, then, this first phase begins.

We think we are experts and this can be a big obstacle for the doctor. If you decide to close your mind and think that a search engine has already told you everything, you will probably never be able to recover.

Doctors have studied hard to get their title and have a lot of experience. Among the phrases you should never say to the doctor is the statement that you have searched for your symptoms on the internet, they will think that you have no faith in their professionalism.

Although many medical articles on the web are written by doctors, visiting a doctor in person can yield better results. The problem is that, before asking for an expert’s medical opinion, many patients perform a self-diagnosis.

This would not be a problem except for the fact that it is often misdiagnosed. A bleeding nose, for example, does not always indicate the presence of allergic diseases and could, instead, be the symptom of some high values.

It is necessary to go through the protocol which is meant to determine the medical diagnosis.

2. “It’s just a matter of stress”

This is also one of the phrases you should never say to your doctor. From a medical point of view, stress has been shown to be the cause of some diseases. Cancer and heart problems are examples of this. Despite this, you should never underestimate your symptoms.

A headache, for example, is not always due to stress. When you suffer from frequent headaches, you need to see a doctor. In fact, it is a signal sent to us by the body to make us understand that there is something wrong.

If stress is your problem, your doctor is sure to advise you on the necessary remedies and lifestyle changes you need to make.

3. “I think I’ve just wasted my time”

It is normal to be afraid of wasting time when going to the doctor. Waiting patiently is next to impossible when you have work to do.

Another excuse for not going to the doctor for reasons of time is to think that the diagnosis you will receive is the one you already know.

Among the various existing jobs, that of the doctor requires the greatest dedication. In fact, doctors take care of many patients who are shouting at them and who do not listen to their professional advice.

Yet even in these cases, they take care of their health and care for the people who are under their supervision. Doctors are more patient than patients themselves. This is why it is important to evaluate the phrases never to say to the doctor.

There are some people who worsen their condition simply because they don’t listen to their doctor’s advice.

Despite this, we never hear a doctor say “I think I have wasted my time”, rather, rather he re-examines the patient’s case as if it were the first time.

So, don’t think you’ve just wasted your time because you went to the doctor. After all, it never hurts to get checked and if you think there is something wrong, better make an appointment.

Cardiologist Suzanne Steinbaum, director of the women’s cardiology department at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York (USA), states that:

“It’s better to go to the emergency room for chest pain (or just if you feel like something is wrong) and get out of it with a remedy for stomach acid, rather than stay home and have a heart attack.”

4. Aren’t you a doctor?


This among the phrases never to say to the doctor is perhaps the most annoying to hear for any specialist. As we have already explained, doctors are human beings. They are not robots, they have feelings just like us.

Be polite and polite when talking to them and treat them with the same respect you expect to be treated with.

Listen carefully to what the doctor tells you. Sometimes there are people who don’t listen to doctors’ advice because they think it’s unprofessional.

If you are in the patient’s shoes and have not understood everything, speak to your doctor in a civilized manner. There is no need to offend, even when the doctor doesn’t want to listen to you. In such cases, it is best to seek out a new doctor.

Be aware of the phrases you should never say to your doctor

You are masters of what you keep silent, but slaves of what you say. Once the words are out of your mouth, you can no longer control the effect they have on others.

A simple sentence like the ones we have listed in this article can hurt even these amazing professionals. Think carefully about what you will say and always try to maintain a good relationship with your doctor.

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