Neck Pain: 5 Aspects To Consider

Neck pain can be caused by poor posture, but also by stress; for this reason it is good to control emotions to avoid it
Neck pain: 5 aspects to consider

All of us, at least once in our life, have suffered or will suffer from neck pain. Just assume bad posture, lift too much weight, or make a sharp movement.

However, in some cases, this discomfort can turn into a chronic disease. Things like osteoarthritis or degenerative herniated discs can cause persistent pain that will threaten your well-being.

We therefore advise you to rely on a good specialist: sometimes a good physiotherapist can work real miracles.

Nonetheless, nearly 90% of neck pains end up disappearing on their own. In fact, rest or a good night’s sleep is often more effective than an analgesic.

Below we will explain 5 aspects of neck pain that can be of great help.

1. Pain in the neck and dizziness

Undoubtedly the causes of vertigo can be different but, in patients between 60 and 70 years, weakness, loss of balance and disorientation almost always have a common origin: the neck.


Dizziness is often caused by neurological disorders resulting from age-associated neck problems. In this case, we speak of “cervicogenic vertigo”.

Sometimes many people associate dizziness with weakness, bad weather or fatigue but, in reality, it is a problem related to the spine; therefore, a sudden turn or movement can cause dizziness and fainting. At the same time, you can also feel vision problems , nausea and vomiting.

Even if we are not faced with a serious health problem, it is certainly very annoying, therefore, at the first signs, you should immediately go to your family doctor.

2. The dreaded muscle contractures and stress

We are sure that, at least once in your life, you have felt stiffness in the nape muscles, difficulty in moving the neck and headache, especially after a long day of work.

These symptoms define the classic muscle contracture, almost always due to a fatal combination: stress and poor posture.

  • This problem usually lasts a couple of days or a whole week. What is certain is that you will not be able to do anything during this time.
  • At the same time, you can’t forget a very important thing: stress is one of the triggers of neck pain. It increases the stiffness of the muscles, makes them difficult to flex and stretches the nerves in this area until they extend to the head. Also, if you maintain bad posture for many hours, the problem will intensify more and more.

3. Cervical arthrosis: a very common problem

Cervical arthrosis affects a small part of young people but, starting from the age of 65, almost 90% of the population suffers from the aforementioned problem. It is a fact to reflect on.

  • Cervical spondylosis is a very common degenerative disease. Joints wear out, causing stiffness, nausea, and neck pain.
  • This problem is also accompanied by a tingling sensation and loss of strength in an arm or hand.
  • The only good thing about this incurable disease is that it progresses slowly. In addition, there are treatments that can offer patients a good quality of life.
neck pain - women who exercise

4. Disc herniation: disabling and painful

Although disc herniation is less common than lumbar herniation, its progression can be equally problematic.

  • The spine loses its elasticity and flexibility. The ligaments surrounding the discs become fragile and tear and, therefore, you begin to have difficulty in movement, with pain in the neck and shoulder.
  • In addition to this, you may also experience loss of sensation in the upper limbs and dizziness.
  • According to experts, a herniated disc is treated well with medication, rest and rehabilitation. However, in the most serious cases, the only solution is to resort to surgery.

5. Sleep well to avoid neck pain

A deep and restorative sleep, between 8 and 10 hours, will allow you to relieve above all the classic contractures related to stress.

            Also find out How to get a better rest

You should also take into account the fact that chronic insomnia increases the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

Try to sleep well by using comfortable pillows and a firm mattress suitable for your constitution.

neck pain - bed

It is also necessary to pay attention to the posture you assume during sleep, in case you have neck pain. Below we will give you simple examples:

  • Do not sleep on your stomach, that is, “on your stomach”.
  • Avoid using pillows that cause you to adopt an incorrect neck position.
  • Specialists recommend using a rolled towel around the lumbar curve. You will see how good you feel in the morning when you wake up.

Although neck pain is very common, don’t be discouraged as it can always be treated.

Simple steps like correcting your posture, sleeping well and being checked by good specialists can help you live better.

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