Lower Uric Acid With Diet

Treatment of hyperuricemia has two objectives: to increase the excretion of uric acid through the urine and to develop a tailored diet.
Lower uric acid with diet

High levels of uric acid in the body are associated with poor nutrition, because the purines that produce it are found mostly in foods. Following that, we explain how to lower uric acid through proper nutrition.

This acid is naturally present in our body, but its concentrations increase following the intake of certain foods. In fact, 80% of uric acid levels can be kept under control by following a specific diet.

High Uric Acid: What Does It Mean?

Consequences of high uric acid.
If our blood contains too much uric acid, the excess will be deposited in the joints in the form of crystals causing inflammation and pain.

Hyperuricemia is the technical term used to refer to excessive amounts of uric acid in the blood. The most feared symptom of this disease is a gout attack due to the deposits of uric acid in the joints. Gout causes intense pain that must be prevented at all costs.

Thanks to a correct diet, planned by a nutritionist, it is possible to lower the uric acid in the blood and have greater control of the situation in order to prevent painful gout attacks.

What uric acid values ​​are considered elevated?

According to healthcare professionals, normal uric acid levels range between 2.4 and 5.7 mg / dL in women and between 3.4 and 7.0 mg / dL in men. Anything above this limit is considered an indication of hyperuricaemia and must be treated in time before the situation worsens.

What foods to eat to lower uric acid?

In case of hyperuricaemia, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods rich in purines, as their degradation within the body increases the levels of uric acid.

Low-purine foods

Milk and dairy products.
Dairy products are considered foods with a reduced content of purines, so they are suitable for a diet for hyperuricemia.

Some foods have low concentrations of purines in their composition and therefore can be included without problems in the diet of those suffering from hyperuricemia:

  • Dairy product
  • Vegetables, except for those we present in the following paragraph.
  • Roots and tubers
  • Fruit rich in vitamin C
  • Dried fruit without added salt

It should be made clear that all foods contain purines in smaller or larger quantities. Nonetheless, it is possible to keep its levels stable in the body thanks to an adequate meal plan.

Foods with an average purine content

Basket of mushrooms.
Mushrooms can be eaten in moderation as part of a uric acid-lowering diet. They contain limited amounts of purines.

Let’s now see the list of foods with lower concentrations of purines and whose consumption can be flexible. In other words, these foods can be included in your diet, but you shouldn’t abuse them :

  • White meat
  • Mushrooms and asparagus
  • Legumes, except for beans and lentils
  • Cauliflowers
  • Spinach

What foods should be avoided if you want to lower blood uric acid?

Red meat.
Red meat, fish and seafood must be eliminated altogether if we want to lower the levels of high uric acid in the blood.

Foods rich in purines to avoid are those containing animal fats. These include entrails, concentrated broths, sauces and stew-based soups. The consumption of fish must also be controlled, especially blue fish: sardines, anchovies, anchovies, salmon, prawns or mackerel.

It is advisable to avoid the consumption of alcohol and processed products if we want to lower uric acid in the body or to prevent hyperuricemia. It will be better to eliminate them altogether or to drastically reduce their consumption.

Aspects to consider for lowering uric acid

Consumption of fruit

Fruit consumption must be moderate because while it is healthy (it contains a reduced concentration of purines), it has high concentrations of fructose, which in the body stimulates the production of purines.

Cooking methods

The cooking method can also make a difference in case of hyperuricemia. By boiling the food, a reduction of the purines present in them is obtained. For example, boiling or stewing a dish is a better option than frying it.


Drink water to lower uric acid.

The drink par excellence that cannot be missing is water. We must try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, according to the indications of the experts. If we follow a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, in addition to consuming broths, soups or infusions, we do not forget to offer our body water.

While these tips can help lower uric acid, it is important to consult with your doctor to get the best treatment for your health condition.

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