Lose Weight With Indian Cuisine

Indian cuisine is characterized by the abundant use of spices, and precisely these can help us lose weight more easily by increasing the body temperature.
Lose weight with Indian cuisine

Some claim that following a diet based on Indian cuisine helps to lose several pounds in a month. In fact, we should take advantage of some Indian tricks to lose weight and feel fitter. Would you like to know what they are? Then read on!

Information on Indian cuisine

Indian cuisine

It is important to know some characteristics of Indian gastronomy in order to put into practice the diet that will help you lose weight:

  • Don’t mix carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Select food well (the important thing is quality not quantity).
  • Take brown rice and vegetables.
  • Choose fresh fruit (especially citrus).
  • Make 3 meals a day + 1 breakfast of skimmed yogurt or fruit if you are hungry.
  • Chew each bite 100 times to improve digestion.
  • Drink 2 liters of water and green tea a day.
  • Doing physical activity, especially walking, for at least 40 minutes a day.

Indian recipes are influenced by different cultures and countries : Mongolia, Portugal and even England. The consequence of this is a gastronomy with great personality.

It is distinguished by the use of various condiments (it is said that those born in India are able to identify more flavors than a Westerner) and by the exclusion of cow meat, since it is the cow is sacred to the religion that is professes in this country.

You don’t even eat too many dairy products. Instead of these, a kind of butter called ghee and a liquid yogurt known as lassi are preferred . Among the ingredients that are never lacking we find rice, chicken and lamb. Vegetarian dishes are also abundant, as many Indians follow a cruelty free lifestyle and do not eat any kind of meat.

There are several ways of preparing food:

  • Vagar : heat and season with spices.
  • Tandoor : cooking foods that have been soaked in spices and yogurt in the oven.
  • Korma : grilled. The consistency is thick because yogurt, milk or cream is added.
  • Dhungar : smoked.
  • Dhum : the embers are placed above and below the container.

Indian cuisine, ayurveda and weight loss

Indian cuisine, ayurveda and weight loss

There is a great relationship between the food you eat in one of the largest and most populated countries in the world, a type of alternative medicine and weight loss. This is due to the fact that nutrition is at the same time a medicine and we need it to feel healthy and strong.

As mentioned earlier, Indian dishes feature a large amount of spices (curry, cardamom, cumin, etc.). They stimulate the body, raise the body temperature and help lose weight. This is precisely why the Indian diet burns fat.

Some of the Indian weight loss options and tricks have to do with spices and seasonings, as well as the combination of dishes. We offer you some options below:

Turmeric leaves

turmeric in Indian cuisine

The dark green leaves of this tree are used for salads and sauces, both raw and cooked. They help your stomach and intestines work well and allow you to keep your body weight stable or reduce it if you have a few extra pounds. Turmeric leaves also have medicinal properties because they treat diarrhea, dysentery and diabetes.


This traditional Indian food is made from dried peas, lentils and beans. It is served with rice and bread (chapati). The dhal has a high protein power, it is very satiating and is digested more slowly than other foods, so there is no desire to eat anything else between the main meals. In this way, the control of body weight is favored.


coriander has great diuretic power

This aromatic herb (belonging to the parsley and celery family) has a great diuretic power that helps to lose fluids, toxins and fats through urine. Within traditional medicine, it is used to reduce intestinal gas and abdominal inflammation and to purify the blood.

Appetizers and salads in Indian cuisine

Indians eat a lot of fresh food due to the high temperature they are subjected to. Some options are perfect for the summer, especially if we are on a diet. For example:

  • Ratia (yogurt with vegetables, fruit and spices)
  • Chaat (raw vegetable salad with lemon and spices)
  • Pakora (chickpea flour pie stuffed with vegetables)

Legumes and cereals

Legumes are cooked without peel and separated so that they are more digestive.

Among the cereals, undoubtedly, rice is the basis of the Indian diet. The best known of all the types chosen is basmati, which has a good dose of fiber and is satiated. You can also add some wheat, corn, and millet to your diet.


coconut milk

To reach 2 liters of water a day, stay hydrated and avoid giving in to hunger pangs, you can choose some of the Indian drinks par excellence:

  • Lassi (liquid yogurt)
  • Chai (tea with spices)
  • Ninmu Pani (lemonade)
  • Coconut juice

Finally, as far as Ayurveda is concerned , there are three types of doshas. Each of them relates to a number of characteristics of the body. Knowing which is your own can be used to eat what you need, avoid what is not good for you and, above all, lose weight.

  • Vatta : of lean and light build, with constant hunger and irregular digestion. In this case it is advisable to take “heavier” dishes such as soups, stews or pasta with sauce.
  • Pitta : of medium build, with intense hunger and thirst, despairs if the meal is not ready in time and tends to eat more than necessary. Recommended foods are salads and cold drinks. You shouldn’t eat heavy dishes or meat.
  • Kapha – more corpulent and overweight; slow digestion, medium appetite. Avoid dairy products, sweets and fats and opt for fruits and vegetables (especially carrot, pumpkin, celery, cabbage and lettuce).

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