Loneliness: The Enemy Of The Health Of The Elderly

Loneliness can have a very similar effect to chronic stress on our brain health. In addition, it can compromise the endocrine system and the immune system, which triggers many diseases.
Loneliness: the enemy of the health of the elderly

In times of sadness, anger or disappointment, many prefer to isolate themselves to find peace in solitude. This negatively affects the health of the elderly. 

However, there comes a time when calm returns, accompanied by the need to feel the presence and support of those who love us.

Few people consciously decide to be alone, as being surrounded by someone and feeling important is an undeniable human necessity.

Unfortunately, however, some people, especially in old age, suffer from isolation from family and loved ones.

They often remain in a state of complete abandonment until the day of their death.

Some studies have already been conducted on this subject, which have made it possible to discover that loneliness is a serious problem of unhappiness and is linked to premature death.

It negatively affects the  health of the elderly.

It is also linked to deteriorating mental health and cardiovascular disease, hypertension and dementia.

What are the effects of loneliness on the health of the elderly?

It is estimated that 10% of the elderly suffer from “malignant” loneliness, that is, that which compromises physical and emotional health.

Of this 10%, 70% have serious health problems related to loneliness, both psychologically and physically.

In general, loneliness impairs brain health in a way very similar to chronic stress.

Both diseases trigger a negative response from the endocrine system and the immune system, which makes the body more likely to contract other diseases.

Sad elderly woman

According to the director of the Psychiatric Research Institute of Bilbao, Dr. Manuel Martín Carrasco, the most common diseases due to loneliness are ” arterial hypertension, diabetes, recurrent infections, anxiety and depression “.

In the case of the elderly, the effects are more direct and negative due to a reduced physiological resilience, i.e. the body’s ability to withstand and adapt to adverse conditions.

They also have a reduced resilience, simply due to seniority.

It is very worrying to think that the cases of loneliness among the elderly are on the rise and that in a few years it will become a widespread public health problem all over the world.

Possible solutions

According to experts, any relief from loneliness can help improve the health of the elderly, since ” the main factor in ensuring a good quality of life is social relationships “.


The president of the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service, David McCullough, who can count on the help of more than 40,000 volunteers to support the UK’s elderly, said the problem of loneliness and its health consequences are spreading.

McCullough and his volunteers try to help lonely people, especially the elderly who, in solitude, are suffering from illness, loss of mobility and mental problems.

Data published in the UK show that a large part of the elderly population feels lonely or very lonely, especially from the age of 65.

For this reason, and bearing in mind that any social contact can reduce the effects of loneliness, the Women’s Royal Voluntary Service organization works to bring food, protection and companionship to those who, for one reason or another, are left alone.

Is there a solution?

Elderly couple

The state of loneliness is also affected by  the type of social activity that the elderly have completed during their life.

It is difficult to help an elderly person who has had problems socializing all his life.

Many of them are marked by rejection, disorganization and fear.

However, with personalized treatment and psychological or even psychiatric intervention, it is possible to resolve situations from which you have not been able to escape throughout your life.

Support groups, services they offer companionship, seniors groups, and simply having a conversation with someone during the day help overcome loneliness and improve many aspects of health.

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