Inflamed Sweat Glands: What To Know

The inflamed sweat glands produce a foul-smelling substance that creates severe embarrassment to the person.
Inflamed sweat glands: what to know

Inflamed sweat glands appear hard and painful to the touch. This condition is called hidradenitis suppurativa, and it is estimated that it affects nearly 4% of the population. The incidence is three times higher in women than in men.

This condition usually appears after puberty and is closely linked to genetics. While it does not represent a health hazard, it does affect a person’s self-esteem and quality of life.

People with inflamed sweat glands often smell bad and continually secretes an unpleasant-smelling liquid. In this article we explain everything you need to know about this condition.

Inflamed sweat glands: what it is

Inflammation of the sweat glands in the armpits is very annoying and disabling. Specifically, the excretory ducts through which sweat is expelled become blocked ; consequently the area becomes infected as the heat and humidity favor the proliferation of bacteria.

Due to the obstruction itself, the pus formed as a result of the infection accumulates and ends up forming an abscess under the skin. This causes pain and can even make it difficult for the arm to move. Often these abscesses tend to burst and expel a foul-smelling discharge.

It is possible to suffer from inflamed sweat glands in other areas of the body as well. It is not uncommon, in fact, that the aforementioned condition affects the groin and buttocks.

What are the symptoms?

Inflammation of the axillary sweat glands usually occurs after puberty. Typically, it starts with a single lump that lasts for weeks or months. Typically, however, it progresses and is lasting.

In most cases, the course of the disease worsens over time and ends up spreading to more parts of the body. For example, hormonal imbalances during the menstrual cycle tend to aggravate the situation. After menopause, in fact, there are notable improvements.

Other factors related to inflamed sweat glands are stress, excess weight, humidity and heat. In addition, several studies associate Crohn’s disease with inflammation of the sweat glands. In all these cases, the main symptoms are:

  • Blackheads or pimples.
  • Red bumps in the armpit that are very painful to touch these tend to burst.
  • Unpleasant smelling pus secretions.
  • Itching and burning in the area.
  • Over time , fistulas, a kind of tunnel that connects the bumps under the skin, may appear. They are very difficult to heal.

Such symptoms greatly affect a person’s self-esteem. This is due to the constant and foul-smelling sweating.

Is there a cure for inflamed sweat glands?

There is no cure for this disease. However, there are several treatment options to control pain and promote wound healing. The doctor will indicate the best treatment for each case.

Antibiotic medications are often prescribed to calm the infection in the area, as are steroids to treat inflammation and pain. Analgesics are also given to calm the discomfort. On the other hand, it is possible to opt for a surgical intervention, rather invasive, for greater control of the disease.

Pills for inflamed sweat glands.

Follow your doctor’s recommendations

The inflammation of the sweat glands is very annoying and seriously damages the quality of life of those who suffer from it. It is therefore important to go to the doctor as soon as possible to establish the best possible treatment depending on the case.

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