In The Bedroom: What Things Should We Avoid?

Did you know that there are apparently harmless elements in the bedroom that could negatively affect your night’s sleep? Find out what they are in this article.
In the bedroom: what things should we avoid?

There are some “details” that are best not kept in the bedroom. These could be affecting rest and even making us in a bad mood. However, it is never too late to remedy.

The harmony of a room – and even of a house – is built through attention to detail. Many of these go unnoticed by most of us, but it may be that we are silently suffering the negative consequences of those decorative details.

To find in the bedroom a space in which to feel at ease and – a fundamental thing – in which to rest well, it is necessary to put some principles into practice.

6 decorative elements that we shouldn’t have in the bedroom

In the bedroom

1. Too bright colors in the bedroom

According to a study by the Vic School of Art and Higher Design (Spain), colors could psychologically affect emotions.

That is, the use of a certain color could worsen (or improve) the quality of sleep. Based on this report, ocher tones would be the most suitable for the bedroom, just as those of red or orange seem to be the least suitable.

This is because they are associated with cheerfulness and violence, which are not exactly favorable elements when it comes to sleeping well.

2. Electronic devices

Usually you talk to your friends or partner on your cell phone before going to sleep, or watch a movie on your computer once in bed. Yet it’s not the wisest choice when it’s time to go to sleep if we’re looking for restful sleep.

Electronic devices

This is because the excessive stimulation caused by these electronic devices to the brain could negatively affect the night’s rest. If you want to avoid this, keep them away when you sleep.

3. A messy closet in the bedroom

Even if you close the door so as not to see, a very messy wardrobe is one of the things to avoid in our room. Try to keep clothes organized, as well as the boxes to be stored.

In this way it will be much easier for you to find any object and avoid stressing yourself looking at a wardrobe with badly arranged clothes or left on the floor.

4. Messy desk

It is a similar case to that of the wardrobe, with the difference that you will see the desk all the time. Try not to leave documents stacked on the desk if you don’t want to feel stressed anymore.

This habit, in addition to making the space messy, will also give you a feeling of disorganization and “unfinished” tasks. Unconsciously, your mind will reflect this mess on your daily life, even when you don’t even remember having a pile of documents in your room.

5. Items under the bed

Many people are used to storing boxes or other items under the bed. Know that it is a bad habit. Without a doubt, this is one of those things to avoid doing in our room.

Storing items under the bed steals energy and accumulates dust. In the long run it could indeed convey a feeling of dirt.

Try storing items in a chest, for example, or in the attic or garage. An alternative could be the guest bedroom, or, in case you have too many, you could rent a deposit.


6. Work or sports items

It is fine to have an exercise bike or elliptical at home, but under no circumstances should it be in your room. These represent a distraction, consume thought and channel energies towards goals that have nothing to do with relaxation and rest.

Sports at home

But if you don’t know where else to keep them, at least try to put them in a corner, away from the bed. This way, when you go to sleep you won’t notice that they are in your room and they won’t be in front of your eyes.

Things you should avoid in the bedroom… and in your life

By following these tips, you will improve your personal space and, consequently, the quality of your rest. You will notice the results day after day on your job performance, on your spirit and in interpersonal relationships.

Don’t waste time and get organized. You will see how much satisfaction contemplating a serene and quiet room, clean and tidy at the end of your day will give you.

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