Improving Vision Without Surgery: 6 Tips

We should exercise our eyesight by alternating the vision of near and distant objects or by moving our gaze in different directions. Relaxing eye tension is also of great help.
Improving vision without surgery: 6 tips

Is it possible to improve vision without surgery ? Certainly. It is enough to adopt some good habits, practice specific exercises to strengthen the eyes and avoid unnecessary eye tension.

Find out in this article the best tips to improve vision without surgery .

Improving vision without surgery is possible

Although most ophthalmologists deny the possibility of improving vision without surgery, some begin to recommend the practice of improvement techniques, especially in children and in the early stages of the disorder.

They are trying to show, for example, that prescribing glasses when a person has lost less than one diopter is more of a sentence than a solution to the problem.

This is the best time to start exercising, i.e. when your eyesight is still very good. The more time passes and you get used to glasses or contact lenses, the more difficult it becomes to recover your sight, but still not impossible.

A few exercises to improve eyesight

1. Get to know your eyes better

Exercises to improve vision without surgery

The first step to improving vision naturally is to get to know our eyes better. Although they accompany us in every activity,  we are often not really aware of how we use them.

Emotions and tensions accumulate in the eyes which, day after day, can cause vision problems. Do not worry, however: even for what we believe to be incurable, there may actually be a remedy.

The first piece of advice is to gradually pay attention to the movements we make with our eyes : when we squint them, when we look down, when we instinctively look away.

2. Take a little break from glasses and contact lenses

Many people are slaves to glasses or contact lenses – a wonderful object that helps us regain sight and becomes addictive at the same time. Our eyes get used to not making any more effort.

This is one of the reasons why vision keeps getting lower instead of getting better. You decide to do without the lenses for a few hours a day, if possible, to get your eyes used to regaining possession of their functions. You can increase this time progressively.

3. Look closely, look at a distance

Practice with one eye only

We are losing the ability to see at different distances, especially those who live in the city surrounded by buildings that hide the horizon. As soon as you have the opportunity, remember to exercise this visual function as well.

Take advantage of your free time to go to the mountains, to the beach, to places where you can let your eyes wander without restrictions. During the day, however, carry out this exercise several times: look far and near alternately, examining objects or details around you with your eyes.

4. Combat eye strain

In many cases, the loss of vision is due to excessive ocular tension. This can be the result of too many hours spent in front of the computer or television  or an excessive and unconscious effort to which we subject our eyes. Moreover, this tension can be the source of frequent headaches.

To relax your eyes, apply the palming technique :

  • Rub your hands together to gain some warmth.
  • Rest your elbows on the table and your palms on your eyes, without squeezing.
  • Relax for a couple of minutes in this position and in the meantime try to understand if there is any tension in the eyes or in the muscles that surround them.
  • At the end of this exercise, you should feel great relief and greater sharpness in vision.

5. Look in all directions

Know our eyes

In addition to regaining the ability to pass from a distant vision to a close one, we must take advantage of all the possibilities that our eyes offer us, otherwise they atrophy.

That is to say: instead of turning your head to move your gaze, try to move only your eyes, in all directions: up, down, right, left, diagonally and even towards the tip of the nose.  This is a great way to keep your eye muscles in shape.

6. Improving vision without surgery: nutrition

All natural therapies require a greater care of nutrition. In addition, food provides us with the nutrients we need to perform all of our functions. Therefore, never miss:

  • Fruits and vegetables.
  • Healthy fats.
  • Good quality protein.
  • Whole grains.
  • Nuts and seeds.

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