If He Cares About You, He Will Prove It With His Presence

Words can say many things, but actions prove our true intentions. Let them speak for us as well as for others
If he cares about you, he will show it with his presence

Those who care about us, those who really appreciate us show it with their presence, with a simple phone call, a message or another unexpected action that takes us by surprise. 

However, we continue to give our time and concerns to people who don’t deserve it. Isn’t it time to take off the blindfold that prevents us from seeing clearly what is happening and whether someone’s presence is real or not?

Show what you feel, forget the words

Express emotions

Words if the wind blows them away or that’s what we know in theory. In practice, however, we ignore it with disconcerting ease. Saying “I love you”, “I need you”, “I adore you” or “I like you” is relatively easy. However, where are the actions that confirm someone’s presence ?

Sometimes to know if someone really cares about us, just do a simple exercise. Let’s cover our ears and just observe.

Let’s look at what has happened so far, everything demonstrated with actions in a film that we reconstruct without sound. What do we see?

Probably, what we will observe will amaze us and, at the same time, will illustrate a situation to which we have been blind.

All this because we have given immense value to some words that have not been put into practice and this often leads us to suffer in vain.

We believe in any excuse of those who do not prove their presence. We justify absences because we want to be understanding. However, this can undermine our self-esteem, hurt us deeply, and then who will help us?

We’ll just have to look in the mirror. There is the only person who has always been there and who has held many lies to be true.

The resistant bandage

Observe someone's presence

It is not the first time that we realize how blind we have been to a situation. However, we resort several times to this blindfold that allows us to see things as we want.   

Seeking another situation, we fall into one that hurts us, but only because we have allowed it! We should have opened our eyes from the beginning to see if the person next to us demonstrated his presence or not and what he proclaimed so much in words.   

Let’s take a simple example, although by no means easy. Let’s imagine two people falling in love, but one of them is married. The circumstance is not easy to resolve, but the married person gives hope to the other by telling her that she will separate from her spouse, that they will soon be together.

What’s up? Months go by, even a year and the situation continues to be the same. The unattached person continues to believe the words of the other who does not act in accordance with what he says.

Even if it hurts, it is important to do the above, which is to cover your ears, open your eyes and finally see clearly what is really going on. 

It is not a question of looking for culprits, but of getting out of a situation full of fictitious hopes that prevent us from flying free and living our lives.

words are of no use to the couple

Show how much he cares about you with presence

That shows with actions how much he values ​​us, how much he cares about you, how much he loves you. May you no longer deceive you with empty words that do not materialize.

We stop believing and letting ourselves be carried away by hopes that show us a desired reality, but that will never come true.

We never make the same mistake as ever. Let’s open our eyes once and for all, right from the start, and we don’t opt ​​for the easy alternative, for this blindfold full of expectations and illusions that will never come true.

Let us make sure that becoming aware of this is a lesson for everyone.  We also show others that this forgiveness we speak of is sincere and that it will be consistent with our actions. Words remain mere empty verbalizations. It is the actions that really have meaning.

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