How To Close Pores Naturally

A good exfoliation is essential to clean the skin and eliminate dead cells. In this way we avoid that dirt clogs the pores and leads to acne or blackheads.
How to close pores naturally

The causes that make the pores dilated, giving the face an unsightly appearance, are different. We mention, for example, lack of exfoliating treatments, poor skin care, heredity, sun damage, appearance of blackheads, unbalanced diet, etc.

In this article you will find out how to naturally minimize pores and have more beautiful skin.

Even though models on television, in the cinema or in commercials appear to have porcelain skin, without imperfections, people in “flesh and blood” tend to have enlarged pores.

There are several natural remedies that can help change the appearance of pores and skin in general.

Beauty routine for enlarged pores

Follow the steps of this routine to gradually reduce dilated and unsightly pores.

Exfoliate your face twice a week

This way, you will prevent dead skin cells, as well as dirt, from clogging the pores and causing acne and blackheads.

Use a cotton cloth soaked in a little warm water. Gently rub it on the skin.

You can find out how to prepare completely natural exfoliants by clicking here.

Take a steam bath once a week

This will help you open the pores, eliminate residues, impurities and fats.

Boil some water in a saucepan and, once it reaches a bearable temperature, turn off the heat and bring your face close by covering your head with a towel.

The procedure is the same as the fumigations that are done when you are sick. Carry out the treatment for a few minutes and then rinse with warm water. Finally, dry your face carefully.

Clay mask

Apply a face mask

Once the steam bath is finished, the pores will be well opened, so any treatment you do will give you better results.

The most recommended masks are clay-based, as they eliminate acne and absorb excess fat, as well as reduce the appearance of pores.

Clean your face every morning

When you get up, the first thing you need to do is wash your face with warm water and apply a homemade facial cleanser.

This is prepared by mixing half a cup of water, ΒΌ cup of milk, two tablespoons of baking soda and an egg white.

This cleanser will deeply clean the pores and eliminate surface bacteria that could clog them. Gently scrub and rinse with warm water.

Wash your face with water

Moisturize with aloe vera

This plant has many properties for well-being and skin care.

Aloe vera will help you tone your face, protect it from external agents and control imperfections. You can keep an aloe vera plant at home, cut a leaf and extract the internal gel.

Apply to the face and let it dry before rinsing.

Homemade remedies for enlarged pores

Green clay mask

Almond mask

Chop 1/3 cup of almonds until powdered. Mix with a little water to make a paste.

Apply all over the face, starting with the nose. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off with warm water. Repeat twice a week.


This is an ancient home-made remedy for lightening the skin, but it will also help you reduce the appearance of pores.

For a week, in  the evening, before going to sleep, wash your face and apply a little whey with a little cotton wool.

Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.


Papaya peel

Rub the inside of the peel of a papaya on the clean skin. Leave it on for 15 or 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

With this homemade recipe  you can also get rid of freckles.


You can make the mayonnaise yourself by combining eggs, lemon juice and oil, or use the one you bought at the supermarket.

You just have to grease your face with a spoonful of mayonnaise and leave it on for 20 minutes (it is also excellent for giving shine to the hair). Your skin will be much softer.

Light mayonnaise

Orange juice

This is an inexpensive homemade recipe to reduce the unsightly appearance of enlarged pores. The nitric acid in this fruit will act as a natural exfoliant and clean the pores.

The  vitamin C will invigorate your skin. Squeeze an orange and soak a cotton ball in the juice obtained.

Another option is to cut an orange in half and rub it across the face. In any case, let it act for five minutes and then rinse well with cold water.

Do not perform this treatment during the day or when you need to go out, as the sun could stain your face. The best thing is to do it in the evening.

Oatmeal mask

Put a cup of oats in a food processor or blender. Blend until you get a powder.

Pour half a cup of warm water and mix well so that a paste forms.  Apply to the face and let it dry completely. Finally, rinse the skin with warm water.


Ice cubes

Take some ice cubes from the freezer and pass them directly on your face, for no more than 30 seconds , to avoid burning the skin.

You will get an immediate tonic effect. Especially ideal after a bath.

Sodium bicarbonate

Prepare a paste by mixing baking soda and water in equal parts. Using circular movements, massage your face for 30 seconds and rinse with cold water.

Repeat for a full week and then reduce to three times the following week.


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