Here’s Why To Take Oats Every Morning

In addition to satiating and providing extra energy, oats are particularly beneficial for respiratory health, In addition, they provide fiber and strengthen the immune system
Here's why to take oats every morning

Good, healthy, nutritious and versatile. Taking oats for breakfast, perhaps with orange juice, yogurt or milk, is an inevitable habit to enjoy good health.

Would you like to know why? We explain it to you in this article.

Why take oats for breakfast

Oats provide a lot of vitamins, give us the strength we need to face the day and make us feel full.        

If, however, this isn’t enough to convince you, take a look at the benefits it brings to the body:

1. Reduces cholesterol

oat flakes in wooden cup

With the amount of fat we eat daily, it is not difficult to understand why so many people suffer from this problem (which is asymptomatic).

Cholesterol levels can be reduced thanks to oats, and this is due to its supply of beta-glucans, a particular type of fiber.

2. Taking oats improves heart health

The soluble fiber present in oats reduces the risk of suffering from heart problems. The daily intake of this nutrient varies between 6 and 8 grams.

Half a cup of oats provides the body with 2 grams of soluble fiber. In this way, a third or a quarter of the recommended daily dose is supplied to the body, already from breakfast.

3. Satisfy

glasses with oat and almond yogurt

The hole in the stomach that occurs in the middle of the morning is caused by an inadequate and incomplete breakfast.

The good news is that we don’t have to gorge ourselves early in the morning, but simply have a few spoonfuls of oats.

This delicious cereal is able to satiate and prevent excessive food intake due to anxiety. 

4. It is antioxidant

The free radicals that accumulate in the body cause many diseases such as, for example, cancer.

Thanks to the properties of various components of oats, we can neutralize them  and gain health.

These work by reducing inflammation, as well as increasing nitric oxide production and controlling cell division (especially in the colon).

5. Taking oats brings a lot of energy

If in the morning it is difficult for you to start and carry out all the activities you need, you should have some oats.

Containing many simple carbon hydrates, which are transformed into glucose and then into energy, it  is an indispensable food for breakfast.

You will be more attentive and have more energy to carry out all your activities.

6. Reduces blood pressure

In addition to the benefits it brings to the heart and blood, we must remember that oats are also excellent for arterial health.       

The famous fibers made by this cereal are excellent for those suffering from hypertension, if taken in the morning.

7. Taking oats helps control diabetes

take oats with nuts and apple

Oats regulate blood sugar levels and, at the same time, allow different foods to be digested more slowly.

It is suitable for people with diabetes, as it reduces insulin resistance.

8. Protects the respiratory system

This is a good excuse to eat oats even in winter (many people eat it hot for breakfast).

  • This cereal is used to relieve and improve cases of pharyngitis, bronchitis, phlegm and laryngitis.
  • It is also suitable for smokers (and former smokers), as it cleanses the lungs.

9. Strengthens the immune system

If the defenses are unstable, any microorganism, bacterium or virus can attack the body and cause disease.

Oats are able to increase the immune response and fight infections. For this reason, if you are feeling weak, eat some oats. You will immediately feel better.

10. Avoid constipation

A food so rich in fiber cannot fail to possess properties related to intestinal health.

If you have difficulty evacuating, we recommend that you take 3 tablespoons of oats and a freshly squeezed orange juice every morning. You will be able to go to the body immediately and will feel less heavy, inflamed and swollen.

In addition, it is a perfect food to cleanse the colon and eliminate all the residues  that accumulate there.   

11. Taking oats prevents cancer in women

During menopause, women’s health can be severely impaired or damaged. Whole grains such as oats are very beneficial during this stage since, for example, they are able to prevent the development of breast cancer.

It also helps to lose weight and avoid chronic fatigue  during the climacteric phase.

12. It is diuretic

small bowl with oats, apple and mint

Thanks to the habitual intake of oats, excess uric acid is eliminated through the urine. This is thanks to silicon, a particularly beneficial mineral.

This cereal is indicated for people suffering from water retention, edema or rheumatic diseases. 

13. It is suitable for celiacs

One of the most important aspects of this cereal is that it contains almost no gluten and, therefore, is suitable for most celiacs.  

Unlike wheat, rye or barley, oats are tolerated by those suffering from this condition and do not alter the mucous membrane of the small intestine.

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