Having More Energy All Day: Is It Possible?

The key to having more energy throughout the day is to maintain a set of healthy habits that provide well-being. Coffee is only part of the list.
Having more energy all day: is it possible?

Despite what we tend to think, it is not necessary to drink liters and liters of coffee from the first light of the morning to feel more energetic all day. In reality, simply by performing several very simple actions we can keep ourselves awake and in a good mood. Do you have any idea what they might be? Find out in this article!

Sometimes we don’t know why, but somehow you wake up and feel without that “fuel” that is needed to move effortlessly and, of course, to carry out all your activities. You tried a delicious cup of coffee, but it woke you up less than you hoped. So you wondered what you could do. Have another cup of coffee? Not necessarily! The secret is in your habits.

What are the habits to have more energy all day?

A wrong routine can have serious consequences on our body and if we add the fact of not sleeping or eating well it is normal not to have enough strength to face the day. Here are the best tips for having more energy all day. Get started today!

1. Experience quality sleep / rest

Sleep well.

It may seem obvious, but it is necessary to indicate this as the first recommendation. A good night’s sleep means more energy during the day.

It does not have to do with the number of hours (although it is said that the ideal is 8) but with the quality of sleep. Try to be comfortable in bed, with the right temperature and as little light as possible. To avoid insomnia, do not watch TV or use your mobile phone one hour before bed.

 2. Play sports

While it may seem the opposite, exercising before 10 am is more beneficial than in the afternoon or evening. This is because exercise releases endorphins that improve mood and prepare us for the rest of the day.

It is not necessary to have privileged working hours: you can, for example, walk for about 15 minutes. You’ll have to set the alarm first, but it’s worth it.

Another option if you don’t like getting up early is to move and activate your body in an “informal” way. This means that for example you could cycle to work, use the stairs instead of the elevator, or leave the car parked further away to walk to the office (and back).

3. Meditate

If you prefer to start the day with a quieter activity but want to do something to have more energy in the morning, dedicate  10 minutes to meditation.

It is not necessary to be a Tibetan monk or to use a specific technique – it is simply a lotus position (crossed legs and a straight back), close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

Give up all thoughts about work, money, partner or housework. Focus on your body and don’t care about anything else.

4. Leave a source of natural light

Woman looks out the window.

The best way to tell the mind it’s time to get up is with natural light. Open the curtains in your room and throughout the house. As soon as the alarm goes off and you open the curtains, the brain starts to activate and our mood rises.

5. Have a good breakfast for more energy

It is essential not to delay or skip this important meal because, ultimately, it is what gives us all the nutrients the body needs to start the day.

It is a very common habit to leave the house in a hurry and have a coffee on the street, but not the most appropriate. Get up 10 minutes early (or don’t postpone the alarm many times) and prepare a full breakfast which should include fruit, cereals and milk (preferably skim).

Breakfasts that contain carbohydrates and fiber are the most recommended to have more energy throughout the day. An example: a jar of Greek yogurt with oats, a slice of wholemeal bread with cheese and a banana.

Also, it is important to drink water before having your first coffee. This serves to hydrate the body right away and to help carry out daily activities.

6. Maintain the correct posture

Once you get to work, you can change some habits to feel more energetic or awake without having to drink two cups of coffee. As a first step, we recommend that you place your desk as close as possible to a window where natural light enters, so that the brain is active.

On the other hand, it would be good to maintain a good posture not only to avoid contractures and pain, but also to avoid “falling asleep” in front of the screen. To do this, the back should be as straight as possible, the shoulders and neck relaxed.

7. Move

Woman performs stretches.
Stretching exercises before going for a run should be done indoors during the winter season.

We are not talking about exercising in the middle of the day, but about avoiding stiffness by spending hours in the same position. To avoid this, you can get up from your seat for 5 minutes every hour and take a short walk to the office.

By activating the blood circulation and moving, you will come out of lethargy and have more energy.

8. Listening to music, one of the best habits for having more energy

Sometimes there is just nothing that can wake us up, even if we try different techniques. What do you think about putting on some lively music? You can listen to it on your own or share it with your colleagues in the office or at home.

Pleasant melodies activate the brain and allow you to increase accuracy and concentration. Music reduces even stress and tension … And it makes life so much more fun!

Now that you know these tips .. what are you waiting for to put them into practice? Try and see what benefits!

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