Getting Rid Of Fungi Thanks To Natural Remedies

Get rid of fungi thanks to natural remedies

It is important to know how to get rid of fungi because mycoses can appear anywhere in our body. However, they usually affect the nails, feet, or areas where there is more moisture and heat, such as the armpits. Likewise, dandruff also depends on a fungus.

In this article we present four excellent remedies to combat them, based on tea tree oil, garlic, apple cider vinegar and ginger. With a little patience, you will be able to eliminate them in a completely natural, simple way and without side effects, also preventing their reappearance.

How to get rid of fungi

Tea tree oil

The essential oil of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) is obtained from the leaves of this plant of Australian origin.It  is also one of the most used, known for being a powerful antiseptic, antiviral and natural fungicide. In particular, it lends itself to getting rid of fungi  and helps fight numerous skin diseases, as it has a topical use.

It is so powerful that it must be used with caution, as it can cause irritation in the mucous membranes (genital area, mouth, eyes, etc.). In fact, you can directly apply a drop of the product if the affected area is small. However, in the case of a large or delicate area, mix it with a little coconut oil, which is not at all irritating and also has antifungal properties.

Once you buy this oil, which is not at all expensive, you will have a treasure. In fact, you should know that you can also use it to heal wounds, treat lice, as an insecticide, mosquito repellent and as a household cleaning product.

coconut oil

The garlic

This precious food also turns into a first aid kit that can help solve numerous health problems in a short time. Who doesn’t have garlic in the house?

In other articles we have already listed the many properties that make it worth taking every day:

  • It prevents cardiovascular diseases
  • Improve circulation
  • Increase your defenses
  • It cleanses the body

However, in this case it must be applied directly to the affected area. In fact,  thanks to its allicin content, it is possible to completely eliminate fungi. If the area is small, you can apply half garlic directly and support it with some medical tape, then change it when you notice that it no longer smells.

Another option for larger areas is  to soak it in oil. To do this, crush five cloves of garlic and cover them with good quality olive oil. Then let it macerate for a week and then filter it. Apply this liquid twice a day.

In health food stores and herbalists you can find this oil already prepared, usually in capsules, for people who cannot directly consume it raw. Taking it will help you fight fungi from the inside too.

get rid of mushrooms

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another of the medicinal foods that we mention most in our articles due to its many uses. We have emphasized its use as a shampoo and conditioner, as a household cleaning product, as a disinfectant, as an activator of the metabolism promoting weight loss, etc.

In this case we also highlight its useful properties to get rid of fungi. As we have said several times, these benefits are only valid  in the case of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, so that it keeps the cultures alive.

The treatment is very simple: you just have to apply apple cider vinegar on the infected area with the help of a gauze or cotton wool and let it dry in the open air.  Vinegar is a great remedy for any type of skin problem  since its acid pH balances the natural one of the skin.


The ginger, a gift for the health that comes from the East, is well known for its benefits when taken directly. However, you can also benefit from its properties by applying it directly to the skin to get rid of fungi. In fact, it is  anti-inflammatory, improves circulation and brings heat.

To treat any type of skin fungus, you can buy essential oil and even combine it with tea tree oil or prepare a decoction with fresh or powdered root. Make it very concentrated and apply it two or three times a day and then let it dry in the open air.

Images courtesy of veganbakingnet y shutterbean

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