Facial Exercises To Prevent Sagging And Premature Wrinkles

By practicing these facial exercises every day, we will be able to tone our skin and prevent the flaccidity that begins to appear with age. We will then accompany this exercise with a healthy diet and lots of water
Facial exercises to prevent sagging and premature wrinkles

To take care of the skin and keep it always young and free from imperfections, the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry has created a wide range of products. In addition to nourishing the skin and limiting free radicals, to reduce the signs of aging we will also have to perform specific facial exercises.

Precisely as a result of this need, various facial exercises have become famous to be combined with our daily beauty rituals and to be integrated with proper nutrition.

These facial exercises help to work the muscles of our face in order to keep them toned and firm.

Below we will teach you which are the 7 best facial exercises, so that you can practice them every day and prevent sagging of the skin on your face.

Facial exercises

1. Exercises for the cheeks

gives puffy cheeks facial exercises

Practicing these cheek exercises regularly helps tone and increase skin elasticity.

How it is done

  • Inhale and fill your cheeks with air, trying to hold your breath for at least ten seconds.
  • Meanwhile, lightly tap your cheeks with your fingertips.
  • Let the air out slowly and repeat several times.
  • Another exercise involves twisting the lips, first to the right and then to the left.
  • You will need to make sure that, while doing both exercises, the tension of the facial muscles also involves the cheekbones, to get really good results.

2. Exercises for the eye area

Performing the exercises for the eye contour is essential to firm the loose skin of the eyelids and reduce the so-called crow’s feet, or those small wrinkles that form on the sides of the eyes.

Practicing this exercise consistently will keep your skin firm and help prevent fine lines and sagging skin from appearing.

How it is done

  • Form two circles with the thumbs and forefingers of your hands, as if to imitate the shape of a pair of glasses.
  • Now place your hands in this position around your eyes and stretch the surrounding skin up and down.
  • Lower the eyelids repeatedly, opening and closing the eyes about twenty times, always without stopping to stretch the surrounding skin, keeping the eyelids in tension for a few seconds, then reopening and relaxing them.
  • Another option is to place the index fingers of your hands on the eyebrows and apply a slight downward pressure.
  • At the same time, try to lift the eyelids and then relax them, repeating the exercise at least fifteen times, to avoid the comparison of drooping eyelids.

3. Exercises for the contour of the mouth

mouth facial exercises

Since the skin in this area of ​​the face is much thinner than in other parts of the body, it tends to break down more quickly due to lack of specific care and exercise.

With these simple movements, you can tone it in a completely natural way, integrating the effects of the wrinkle cream you usually use.

How it is done

  • Open your mouth as much as you can and then close it again. Repeat for about ten times.
  • Say the vowels aloud, opening your mouth as wide as possible. Repeat for about ten times and then relax.

4. Exercises for the forehead

The expression lines that form on the forehead can be reduced and prevented thanks to the daily practice of a simple exercise.

How it is done

  • Place both hands on your forehead with palms facing inward and stretch the skin outward, towards the temples.
  • Relax your skin, rest for about ten seconds and then repeat up to fifteen times.

5. Exercises for the neck

neck facial exercises

The skin of the neck, unfortunately, is the one we take care of the least during our beauty routine.

To firm it up and avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles, perform this simple facial gymnastics exercise.

How it is done

  • Looking straight ahead, place your fingertips on the lower part of the neck and stroke the skin downwards as you tilt your head back slightly.
  • Move your head back and forth, repeating ten times.

6. Exercises to avoid drooping eyebrows

The drooping eyebrows and eyelids give our face a careless, aged and tired look.

This simple exercise will help you decrease the flabbiness of the skin at these crucial points, keeping it in place despite the passage of time.

How it is done

  • Place the index fingers under the eyes, with the fingertips pointing towards the nose.
  • Lower your upper lip to cover your teeth and, at the same time, begin to open and close your eyes quickly, while keeping your eyes turned to the ceiling.
  • Repeat three times, for half a minute.

7. Double chin exercise

double chin facial exercises

By working the double chin area, you will prevent it from increasing due to the accumulation of fat and swelling and, at the same time, prevent the skin from becoming flabby.

How it is done

  • Straighten your back, standing or sitting (in this case, a chair with a stiff and straight back will help).
  • Move your head back and, keeping your eyes on the ceiling, move your mouth as if you were chewing.
  • Repeat the exercise about fifteen times.

For a complete treatment, in addition to the daily practice of these exercises, do not forget to always maintain a good level of hydration, drinking plenty of water and herbal teas.

Also avoid long exposure to the sun and bad habits such as alcohol and tobacco.

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