Eliminate Abdominal Swelling Without Doing Sports

To relieve abdominal swelling and the resulting discomfort, in addition to following an adequate diet, it is important to practice some localized massages
Eliminate abdominal bloating without playing sports

To eliminate abdominal swelling and the resulting discomfort, in addition to following an adequate diet, it is important to practice some localized massages.

Do you have abdominal bloating  and don’t know how to get rid of it without playing sports? In this article we will give you some tips that will allow you to relieve this condition quickly and easily.

Eliminate abdominal bloating

1. Massage to reduce excess gas

Sometimes the swelling is caused by the accumulation of gas. Fortunately, in these cases, you can eliminate the problem with a simple massage.

How to make it

  • The massage must be performed above the navel
  • Place four fingers horizontally on it
  • The exact spot to massage is on the topmost finger
  • Once the area is located, massage for 2/3 minutes in a clockwise direction
  • You will find that you perform the massage correctly because it will increase the production of saliva

2. Massages to reduce water retention

Bands for water retention

If you are looking to get rid of abdominal bloating and reduce excess fluid in your body (which causes you to swell), you can use this simple massage.

How to make it

  • To carry out this massage, once again, we will use the navel as a reference point. The point to be massaged is two fingers above the latter
  • You have to exert some pressure on this area by massaging  for 2/3 minutes in a clockwise and then anticlockwise direction

3. Massage to increase intestinal activity

With this massage, intestinal activity is increased thus avoiding constipation  which, at times, could cause abdominal swelling.

How to make it

  • This time the affected area is located four fingers below the navel. Massage it for 2/3 minutes clockwise and then backwards
  • This simple gesture will help you encourage peristaltic movements
  • In addition to fighting constipation, this massage will help relieve swelling

4. Water and lemon

Water and lemon to eliminate abdominal swelling
Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice 15/20 minutes before breakfast will help normalize the production of gastric juices and relieve the symptoms of bloating.

In this case, it is an excellent solution to stop the eruptions and to prevent the formation of gas in the intestine. This drink is also rich in vitamin C.

5. Goodbye to latte at breakfast

Latte is one of the most common drinks for breakfast. Nonetheless, if you are trying to preserve the health of your gut, it will be better than avoiding it by opting for healthier solutions. So you can be sure of getting rid of abdominal bloating.

Milk stimulates the production of gastric juices  and increases acidity.

Coffee produces in the stomach an effect similar to that of milk; so drinking them together makes the situation worse.

What can you eat for breakfast?

If you necessarily need a ration of dairy products for breakfast, you can substitute milk for yogurt. In this way the intestinal bacteria will be able to digest the food.

6. No alcohol on an empty stomach

Woman drinking wine

Alcoholic beverages stimulate the production of gastric juices. For this reason, it is not recommended to drink them on an empty stomach, as they will damage the gastric walls.

If you consume alcohol frequently, you should know that it kills the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

We therefore recommend a moderate consumption and always after eating.

7. Eliminate fatty foods from the diet

Fatty foods should be eliminated from the diet in any case. Remember that fatty foods, like pre-cooked foods and sweets, are heavy and difficult to digest.

The more difficult your stomach has to digest food, the more gas it will produce.

If you want to avoid the heaviness and discomfort caused by ingesting these foods, adopt a more balanced diet with more fruit and vegetables. 

Your body will notice it!

8. Foods rich in fiber? Yes, but in moderation

Foods with fiber to eliminate abdominal bloating

The foods rich in fiber are highly recommended, but do not overdo it.

Ingest the recommended amount of fruits, vegetables, berries and legumes, but don’t overdo it. An overload of fibers, in fact, can favor the production of gas and, therefore, abdominal swelling.

It could also impair the proper functioning of the intestines.

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