Earthing: The Benefits Of Coming Into Contact With The Earth

Earthing consists in walking barefoot on the earth to return to the origins of the human being. Practicing it regularly is hypothesized to help promote well-being. We invite you to read on to find out more.
Earthing: the benefits of coming into contact with the Earth

There are few pleasures in life, both simple and appreciable, like those offered by earthing. Few would deny how pleasant it is to walk barefoot on the sand or feel the touch of wet grass in the morning.

These pleasant experiences very often have very little or no economic cost, but their benefits are enormous. Earthing means reconnecting with the earth, and it does not only consist in reactivating the nerve endings of the soles of the feet, it is also a useful practice to heal our soul.

What is earthing ?

Walk in nature

Earthing is a practice that aims to intensify contact with nature in order to facilitate well-being. The term comes from the English earth , which means ‘planet’ or ‘Earth’, and which is understood as ‘connection to the ground’. It also takes the name of grounding , which comes from ground , or soil; the two terms refer to the same activity.

The aim is to ensure that the body comes into contact with the Earth and with the electrical energy emanating from it. Some studies claim that getting in touch with the Earth could be beneficial to physical health, as well as to the state of mind.

The followers of this practice believe that the human being in the beginning was in contact with the earth, thanks to which he always walked barefoot, but with the modern age this link has disappeared.

According to supporters of earthing , modernity has isolated us from this ancestral connection due to the use of shoes, carpets and insulation materials. We thus live in a state of total disconnection.

Scholars of the theme add that anyone who has returned to close contact with the earth has significantly improved their physical form. There is also talk of a possible reduction in fatigue, tiredness, pain and depression.

Those who practice earthing claim to feel less muscle tension and spiritual calm as a result of returning to the well-being offered to us by Mother Earth. Taking off your shoes and reconnecting with it allows nature’s electrical connections to act on our body. This belief has earned this current more and more followers in the world of health.

The proponent of this idea is therapist Clint Ober, who argues that after about 30 minutes of barefoot, the body’s electrical energy is restored and that this has a positive impact on health.

The benefits of this practice

Man in the mountains
Some benefits not yet scientifically proven are attributed to this practice. However, it is safe and contributes to well-being.

All ‘ earthing are assigned a variety of benefits that, at present, have not been thorough enough. We rely on anecdotal data and studies that need further evidence. Despite this, the most obvious benefits are:

  • Calm inflammations: contact with the earth calms inflammation and damage to some cells.
  • Antioxidants: those who practice earthing assure that coming into contact with the electrical energy of the earth could have an antioxidant effect, although there is no evidence for this.
  • Relaxing effects: can help reduce anxiety, promote calm and balance of the nervous system.
  • Helps Feel Energetic: Returning to the original life connection helps you feel more energetic and vital.
  • Synchronization of the body with the rhythm of the day and night, which allows the person to rest during the night and feel good the next day.
  • Free from stress: so that the individual can disconnect for a few moments from the overload of everyday life and can return to the original meaning of life.

How to practice earthing ?

Those who wish to join this trend or test the veracity of its effects, must only follow these guidelines, very simple, since the connection between man and the earth is instinctive and does not require great effort:

  • Walk barefoot if you can. Do this on the ground, grass or sand, as it helps activate the energy points on the soles of your feet.
  • Getting in touch with water: helps channel energy. For this reason it is recommended to wash your hands often, swim, take a shower, for example. For the followers of earthing, water acts as a conductor.
  • Connect the bed to an earth connection: there are those who do this by equipping themselves with fabric, a cable and metal wires to connect the bed to an earth system so as to rest well and wake up full of energy.
  • In addition to these guidelines, some people use special pads to rest their feet on as they work.

Those who practice earthing support its health benefits. This is a practice that, far from being harmful, could contribute to general well-being, even if there is insufficient evidence.

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