Developing The Leg Muscles: 5 Exercises

We reveal the 5 best exercises to tone and develop leg muscles and, at the same time, improve posture.
Developing the leg muscles: 5 exercises

To develop the muscles of the legs, it is essential to do special exercises. Many people do not give due importance to the lower limbs, unlike the buttocks, abdomen and arms. Still, the legs deserve as much or more attention. Above all, we must remember that well-trained legs allow us to walk longer without getting tired or having discomfort (such as cramps).

Below we reveal why it is convenient to  develop the muscles of the legs with the right weekly workout . The legs give strength and stability to the body, which is very important. Do the following exercises, they will help you maximize your performance and achieve incredible results.

How can we develop the leg muscles?

Before starting with the training to develop the leg muscles, we need to realize the effort and consistency we will need. The legs must develop in volume due to the increase in muscle mass and not fat.

First of all,  we need discipline and a high protein diet. This is the key to playing sports on a regular basis. We must be constant and increase the required resistance.

Exercises to develop the muscles of the legs

1. Squat with weights

Squats with the help of a weight are the quintessential exercise for strengthening the leg muscles. They are ideal for growing muscles in a short time and gaining strength. In this exercise , the following muscles are worked: quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, adductors, calves and back.

It is recommended that the weight chosen for work gradually increases according to the results. Otherwise, we can suffer from back and joint injuries. To get good results, it is advisable to learn how to do the exercise well:

  • Line up your legs with your shoulders.
  • Contract the abdomen.
  • Lower yourself with a slight backward motion.
  • Do not arch your back.
Push ups

2. Bicycle

Professional cycling is one of the most demanding sports in existence. One glance is enough to notice the developed musculature of the cyclists. For this reason, cycling in each of its variations is a perfect method for toning and strengthening the legs.

With the bicycle you not only work the lower part of the body, it also allows you to strengthen the lumbar area, the pectorals and the shoulders. At the same time, it helps avoid bone injury and arthritis, improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and strengthens the heart.

3. Jumping Jack

An option with several variations. We have to  jump with our legs together and open them in the air while we clap our hands on the head. It is a very simple exercise.

To increase power, endurance and aerobic capacity, ankle braces with weights can be used to increase progressively. It is useless to start with excessive weights that can cause us injuries.

4. Specific for the calves

Train the calves

To show off well-defined calves, we can perform the following exercise:

  • Take a dumbbell
  • Join the legs
  • Lift your heels and stay on your toes for 25 seconds

We can do four sets of ten repetitions and gradually increase the weights. Moderate pain in the calves indicates that we are working with the exercise well.

5. Lunges

A mandatory exercise to strengthen the hips and develop the leg muscles are lunges. Although it appears to be a simple exercise, it is not. It involves a great deal of energy and, if done incorrectly, carries a certain risk of suffering from joint injuries.

Lunges work on several muscle groups at the same time. But it is still advisable to train with different exercises to be able to work all parts of the body and obtain satisfactory results.


General aspects to be taken into consideration

  • Before we begin, we must always warm up the muscles. This warm-up should not last more than 10 minutes.
  • In order for the muscle to grow, you need to stretch at the end and at the beginning of the workout.
  • The intensity must always be gradual. We must not work beyond our means. We could be seriously injured from minor distractions.
  • Take your time and don’t rush to get immediate results. Always consult your instructor at the gym and, above all, be consistent

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