Deflate The Abdomen Thanks To Some Tips

To deflate the abdomen you will need to follow a healthy diet and avoid the consumption of carbonated drinks, because the calories of these inflate us.
Deflate the abdomen thanks to some tips

Even if you lose weight, the abdomen is one of the areas where losing weight requires more effort. The accumulation of fat in this area is due to several reasons, not only food: lack of protein, intestinal problems, muscle tension, etc. Deflation of the abdomen sometimes seems impossible.

In this article we explain the secrets to deflate the abdomen without great sacrifices, identifying the cause and solving it in a simple and natural way.

How to deflate the abdomen when the intestines are inflamed

Many people suffer from constipation or other intestinal disorders and are unaware that a swollen abdomen, especially in thin people, can result from inflammation of the organs.  Constipation is very common nowadays among men and women of all ages. Many are unaware that we should evacuate as many times as we eat every day.

For this reason, the first remedy you should use to deflate the abdomen is to regulate intestinal transit. If you suffer from constipation, you should:

  • Eat foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, etc.).
  • On an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon.
  • Drink water between meals.
  • Include flax seeds in your diet.
  • Take magnesium supplements.
Water with lemon

If, on the other hand, you often suffer from diarrhea, you should:

  • Drink green tea
  • Eat agar-agar jellies
  • Undergo medical checks to check for any intolerances to lactose, gluten or other foods
  • Also deal with possible emotional concerns

Carbohydrates or proteins?

Sandwiches for breakfast, pasta for lunch, bread to accompany dinner, brioche as a snack, pizza for dinner … Nowadays, carbohydrates are abused, which have the advantage of giving us energy throughout the day.

If, however, we do not exploit this energy, it becomes a reserve, that is, it makes us fat. Additionally, refined, non-whole carbohydrates promote constipation and bloating.

For this reason we recommend that you include a good amount of protein in your diet, but again without overdoing it. O ach meal should include a portion of, so not only burn more calories, but you will be able to deflate the abdomen. What foods do you find protein in?

  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs (especially in egg white)
  • Milk and dairy products
  • legumes
  • Dried fruit
  • Mushrooms
Lentil dish to deflate the abdomen

Better not to overeat

The stomach adapts to the quantities of food we give it and we often eat more than necessary. You have to get used to not getting completely satisfied before getting up from the table, doing without that extra spoonful that you would take, not so much because you are still hungry, but more to finish the dish or for gluttony.

This feeling of hunger will soon pass, as it has been shown to last around 15 to 20 minutes. It is also very important to learn to chew food well, which will help us eat less, get full sooner and have less indigestion.

Drinking a digestive herbal tea at the end of a meal helps us eat less. This will prevent the abdomen from swelling and the body will get used to the quantities of food you give it without going hungry.

Avoid carbonated drinks to deflate the abdomen

Carbonated drinks are very harmful for our body and, in addition to causing swelling, in the long run they can also cause cardiovascular disease, as shown by some studies. For this reason we recommend reducing or avoiding consumption.

In many cases, moreover, these are sugary drinks that make you fat and are harmful to our health.

Carbonated drinks

Correct posture

Some people have a very swollen abdomen due to postural problems. For example, those suffering from lordosis or scoliosis (deviations of the spine forward or to the side) may have more muscle mass or fat in the abdomen or hips as the body feels the need to create natural support or support to balance the a weight that would otherwise be unbalanced and destabilized.

These people should do some postural rehabilitation or stretching exercises, such as yoga and tai chi. Abrupt sports in which the body “bounces”, such as jogging or aerobics, are the least recommended.

Images courtesy of DorteF, joannova and Acedip

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