Cockroaches: 5 Natural Remedies To Fight Them

Cockroaches are very common insects, which we would like to eliminate forever from our homes. To do this, it is not necessary to use insecticides and toxic products. Try these natural remedies.
Cockroaches: 5 natural remedies to fight them

The cockroaches are a very annoying menace and eliminate them can be a big challenge. These insects, in addition to being repellent, also transmit diseases and can contaminate our food if we do not notice it.

The most worrying thing is that cockroaches can hide anywhere in our home and are used to go out during the night when they do not sense our presence.

Do you want to get rid of the cockroaches? Nowadays there is a large amount of insecticides that allow us to easily kill cockroaches in seconds. However, these products are very toxic and can harm our health and that of our pets. For this reason, today we want to share with you some insecticides to prepare at home based on very cheap and effective products to eliminate cockroaches.

In which places in the house do cockroaches hide?

tidy house

Before learning how to fight cockroaches naturally, it is very important to know which areas of the house they prefer to hide during the day. 

  • In the cracks and crevices of kitchen and bathroom furniture.
  • Wooden furniture. 
  • They can enter from the street through the small openings in the front door or windows.
  • They are found mainly in collector exhaust systems and pipes in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, gas systems, heating or air conditioning, electrical boxes or false ceilings.
  • They love to hide behind or under the fridge, oven, blender and microwave.
  • Cardboard boxes, chests of drawers and places where linen, paper, fabric, pet food, etc. are stored
  • Under the wooden steps
  • Places where there is wood, bricks or garbage cans.

What to do to eliminate cockroaches?

Homemade insecticides are a great option to say goodbye to cockroaches and prevent them from returning to our home. However, before applying these “remedies”, it is very important to keep in mind that the hygiene and order of our home are essential to put a definitive point on this plague. 

  • First,  you need to seal the gaps around the sinks, sinks, showers and bathtubs. Also try to always keep the kitchen and bathroom dry.
  • Frequently vacuum  the underside of armchairs, beds, mattresses, pillows, carpets and, above all, the empty spaces between them and the walls.
  • Clean and shake all the drawers or shelves  where you put books, documents and clothes.
  • Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the kitchen or food remnants  that can attract cockroaches. Also remember to close all foods well, even those of animals.

Do-it-yourself anti-cockroach remedies

baking soda beauty

1. Laurel

Q T his simple remedy is to put a few bay leaves in places where you suspect you may hide cockroaches. These insects can’t stand the smell and usually walk away right away.

2. Onion and boric acid powder

This remedy has become popular due to its effectiveness and the fact that it is very inexpensive.

  • It consists of creating a paste using half a finely chopped onion, half a cup of flour, a little beer or water, a pinch of sugar and 3 or 4 tablespoons of powdered boric acid (you can find it at the pharmacy).
  • Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix them to form a paste.
  • Use fizzy drink caps to pour this mixture and distribute it in areas of the house where cockroaches usually go.

It is recommended to keep this mixture away from pets, as it can be toxic to them. 

3. Bicarbonate and sugar

  • Mix a cup of baking soda with a cup of sugar and put this mixture all over the house.
  • Cockroaches will feel attracted to the sugar and eat the mixture.
  • The baking soda will form gas that will cause internal chaos for cockroaches. 

4. Borax

This natural ingredient is often used to make laundry soaps. The only thing you need to do is spread the borax all over the house, especially in those areas where you think cockroaches are hiding. When cockroaches walk on borax, it dehydrates and kills them. A cockroach cannot hydrate itself when its back is damaged. 

5. Catnip

Sprinkle some catnip around the house. This remedy has the same effect as laurel, cockroaches hate its smell and move away. 

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