Chewing Gum: What Does It Cause In Our Body?

Chewing gum can have positive aspects if we know how to reap the benefits. The important thing is not to chew for too long and also be aware of the possible negative effects.
Chewing gum: what does it cause in our body?

Chewing gum may seem like a harmless action. Yet this is not entirely true. Of course, its effect depends on how often we let ourselves be tempted by this sweet and our oral hygiene habits.

It is not about creating alarmism, but rather about understanding what happens in our body. Many times we chew gum to relieve stress, mitigate the sense of hunger or, simply, out of habit.

In fact, its sweet taste and smooth texture can be quite addictive. So let’s see what are the advantages and disadvantages of chewing gum.

Is chewing gum good or bad?

In general, there is no reason to consider gum harmful if we brush our teeth after chewing it. Good oral hygiene is therefore the key to avoiding it becoming a problem.

For many people, chewing gum is a good way to relax, get distracted, and fight stress. It can also be a way to relieve hunger pangs that appear in the afternoon hours. Let’s review these aspects in detail.

Advantages of chewing gum

1. Optimal concentration

Woman puts chewing gum in her mouth

Chewing gum interferes with the cortisol levels present in saliva. This hormone is responsible for stress and its levels drop by approximately 16%. By decreasing stress, the mind relaxes and as a result has greater ability to concentrate.

2. Less appetite

Chewing gum can help to “confuse the stomach” and thus avoid eating continuously, especially those foods that are not very nutritious but rewarding, such as sweets or fizzy drinks.

3. Goodbye to stomach acid

Woman with pain and hands on the abdomen

Chewing gum first increases saliva production and this means that both solid and liquid foods pass more easily through the esophagus. This helps neutralize the acids found in this area.

Mint, menthol or eucalyptus flavored gums are more recommended. Those with a fruity flavor, in fact, can be unpleasant and cause stomach pain.

Disadvantages of chewing gum

1. Excess sugar means gaining weight

Like any other sweet, chewing gum contains refined sugar, additives, and other chemicals. This aspect makes it an unhealthy dessert which, if chewed frequently, can increase the desire for unhealthy foods and therefore gain weight.

2. Beware of aspartame!

Girl makes bubble with gum

Aspartame is one of the ingredients of so-called “healthy” and sugar-free chewing gum. This sweetener contains a substance known as phenylalanine, which is harmful to people suffering from phenylketonuria, an inherited disease that affects the nervous system.

3. Dangerous laxative

A sugar-free chewing gum contains sorbitol, a laxative that, when ingested in excess, causes ailments such as chronic diarrhea and stomach pain. Juergen Bauditz, a German gastroenterologist, determined that the maximum tolerable dose of sorbitol is 5 grams per day.

4. Can cause jaw pain

Girl stretches a chewing gum

Chewing gum too hard could even alter the proper occlusion of the jaw. This happens because it can injure the temporomandibular joints (which work when we open and close the mouth).

5. Caries, tartar and more

The sugar contained in chewing gum settles on the teeth . This leads to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, causing the formation of tooth decay or tartar, among other disorders of the oral cavity.

For this reason, dentists advise against them. So, if you feel like chewing a sweet gum, remember to always brush your teeth when you’re done to get rid of sugar.

6. Contains by-products derived from sheep

Mint chewing gum

Chewing gum may contain lanolin, a substance that comes from sheep’s wool. It is waxy and it is this that gives chewing gum softness. While it is not considered harmful to health, the opposite has not been proven either.

In short, chewing gum also has positive aspects when we know how to reap its benefits. The important thing, as nutritionists say, is not to chew for too long and be aware of how it can harm us if we don’t take the right measures.

Decisions that affect our health are ultimately up to us.

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