Barley Water: Benefits, Contraindications And Recipe

There is a growing interest in using barley as a healthful ingredient. An interesting way to use it is to make a refreshing drink. Here’s how it is prepared.
Barley water: benefits, contraindications and recipe

Typical of Spain and some countries of Central America, barley water is a refreshing drink with nutritional properties. Popularized as a cure-all, not all of its benefits are backed up by science. How to make the most of it and when is it contraindicated?

What is barley water?

It is the drink obtained by boiling barley in water and lemon . Once ready, it can be flavored with cinnamon and sweetened to taste with honey, sugar or panela.

There are two versions, depending on whether you want to keep the barley in the drink or discard it. This is an important difference because the nutritional composition, energy value, and health benefits vary. The main reason is the loss of fiber if the barley grain is eliminated.

5 benefits offered by barley water

In the countries of origin, this drink is consumed mainly because it is refreshing, but also for its ability to prevent certain diseases. However, this happens if, as we have said, the beans are kept in the drink.

1. Supply of nutrients

Barley is one of the oldest cereals. It is currently consumed in some countries of the Middle East, Northern Europe and South America.

Best known for its use in beer production, it actually has a very interesting nutritional composition. It is therefore worth considering it as a food to add to the diet. Among its main properties:

  • Presence of soluble fiber.
  • Folate and other B vitamins (B1, B3, B6).
  • Mineral salts and trace elements such as potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc and copper.
  • Antioxidants.
Barley grains, ear and spoon.
Barley is known as an ingredient in beer making, but barley water is a popular drink in many cultures.

2. Cholesterol control

Barley grains contain an interesting weapon against cholesterol and high triglycerides: beta-glucans.

It is a type of soluble fiber found in all cereals, but especially in barley and oats. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , a greater reduction in the overall cholesterol and LDL rate was observed in diets that include barley compared to those based on the consumption of whole wheat.

So much so that the US agency FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ) recognizes its ability to prevent cardiovascular disease, in a diet that is low in cholesterol and rich in fiber.

3. Control of glucose levels

The scientific literature highlights the ability of barley-based dishes to rebalance blood sugar after meals. This result is also linked to the action of beta-glucans which lower the level of cholesterol in the blood.

These two benefits combined (control of blood sugar and blood fat) help prevent cardiovascular disease and protect the health of the walls of veins and arteries.

4. Aid for digestion

Barley is made up of a large amount of soluble fiber. Its consumption is beneficial for the digestive system because it facilitates the transit of the bolus and undigested waste substances in the gastrointestinal tract.

5. Weight control

This benefit is also linked to the action of the fibers, present only in unfiltered barley water. Diets rich in fiber are known to help you feel fuller and reduce hunger.

Consumed between meals, it can be a trick to avoid succumbing to the temptation of high-calorie or fatty snacks.

Barley water: when is it contraindicated?

Many foods and drinks, generally considered safe and harmless, can cause intolerance or discomfort for some people. This also happens with barley water.

The advice is, therefore, to introduce it in the daily diet gradually and to stop consumption if you notice any adverse effects. In addition, it will be good to ask your doctor for advice in case of illness or if you are taking any medications.

Digestive discomfort

One of the main virtues of barley water can also be a drawback: the fibers. The high amount of fiber present in the unfiltered version could generate bloating, intestinal gas or abdominal pain.

Sugar and calories

Some recipes to prepare at home or ready-made drinks include high quantities of sugar or other sweeteners among the ingredients. Check the label carefully before choosing the product.

Although it is a water-based drink, when it is not filtered its main ingredient is barley grains. These also provide a moderate amount of calories, so don’t overdo it.

It is not suitable for celiacs

Barley is a cereal that contains gluten, so it is contraindicated for those suffering from celiac disease.

How to prepare barley water


  • 3/4 cup pearl barley or barley grains
  • 2 lemons
  • 1/4 cup honey or sweetener to taste
  • 6 glasses of water

Rinse the barley until the water runs clear. Put it to cook in a pot together with the 6 glasses of water and the lemon zest. As soon as the water begins to boil, lower the heat and continue cooking for another 30 minutes.

After this time, you can filter and store in a large jar or glass bottle. Do not throw away the barley grains: add them to yogurt, salad or vegetable soup.

As we have said, the barley water without the grains is low-calorie (this depends on the sweetener used and the quantity used) but all the properties of the fibers are lost. If you decide for the wholemeal version, you can consume everything together, water and beans,

Establishing an ideal amount for consumption is difficult. As an article published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains , barley beta-glucan can have different molecular weights, consequently the effect will vary at the same doses.

The advice is to make it a moderate consumption, combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle. These are the pillars that allow us to obtain the benefits we have listed from barley water.

Barley grains and barley water.
The contraindications of barley water are linked to possible digestive discomfort due to the fiber.

Barley Water: It is not a magic potion

Barley water, filtered or with grains, is a refreshing, moisturizing and pleasant-tasting drink. However, you need to be careful with added sugars or sweeteners.

If you make it at home, you can give the drink a different flavor by adding orange, fresh herbs or spices before returning it to the jar. It is kept in the refrigerator, preferably in a glass container.

Although its potential benefits have a scientific basis, it is best to introduce it into the diet gradually and in moderate amounts. Barley water provides useful nutrients for our health, helps to keep cholesterol and blood sugar under control, but it is not a magic potion.

The best way to get the most out of it is to combine it with a varied diet based on the consumption of fresh foods, exercise, adequate sleep and good stress control.

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