Arrival Of A Child: How The Couple’s Life Changes

The arrival of a child is a beautiful thing and makes the couple happier. Intimacy and relationship, however, can be affected if there is no love and maturity needed to accept the inevitable changes.
Arrival of a child: how life as a couple changes

“It doesn’t seem that difficult.” This is what many couples think when they see a newborn, but when they touch the changes in the life of a couple after the arrival of a child, they change their minds.

For many couples, the arrival of a child constitutes the consolidation of love and the relationship; while for others it can be a cause for rupture if they are unable to manage and channel the changes in parenthood.

The child’s first night at home will be enough to understand that parenting will be very different. Life as a couple after the arrival of a child requires the effort of both.

The importance of mutual support

Some babies need to be fed every three hours (or even more often) and have a light sleep with constant awakenings. Bad sleep causes tension in the previously absent couple.

While the mother takes care of the baby, some fathers feel left out. Certainly in the first days of life the baby is so attached to the mother that sometimes there is no room for anyone else. The woman is absorbed in her responsibilities as a mother and has no time for her partner.

Newborn baby sleeping with his parents

If the man takes care of the household chores, he has a fundamental role so that the woman can better fulfill her duties as a mother. Some women learn to delegate and others to trust.

If the man intervenes in the care of the child , he will develop new skills that will translate into greater well-being for all. The difficulties of parenting can therefore be overcome if both parents are patient and offer mutual support.

Changes in the couple after the arrival of a child

The members of the couple, transforming themselves into parents, will change at every stage of the child’s growth. The couple grows up with their son. It is not the same to be the parent of a baby and the parent of a teenager.

Giving up some habits is definitely necessary after the arrival of a child: if we loved going to dance on Fridays or going camping at the weekend, we will have to wait for the child to grow up. Do not despair, they will grow, that day will come.

Newborn with parents

With good disposition, ingenuity and creativity, the couple will be able to integrate the great and inevitable changes imposed by the arrival of the children. Plans for two will become for three or four.

Beware of passion

Beginners as parents take every opportunity to interact with other couples and draw on their experiences. While it certainly doesn’t hurt to share and laugh at yourself, so that your life as a couple does not end, you will need the will of both.

Sometimes the flame of passion will be weak or completely extinguished. Patience, creativity and love will be needed to resolve the small crises that arise in the bedroom.

The pleasure offered by intimacy will help ease the stress of parenting. Furthermore, the passion will also be fueled by the sensitivity and tenderness that is awakened with the care of a child.

Growing up with children

After the arrival of a child, life as a couple will be richer. The connection between the couple expands every day in the face of the parenting experience. A child is the love of the couple and, in turn, returns more love to the couple.

This new happiness will benefit everyone. When the emotional bond with the child grows, the love of the couple strengthens together with the trust. This will be very useful as the child grows and has new needs.

Couple with a newborn

Perhaps the arrival of the first child is more destabilizing than that of the second or third. It is a new experience and, however much the couple may prepare, it will always take you by surprise at some juncture.

Better to acknowledge and accept than to flee

Life as a couple after the arrival of a child undergoes a great shock. It has to be recognized and accepted. Before closing the relationship, we must accept that priorities have changed. It is about maturing individually and as a couple.

Both will miss the days of romance, both will dream of having some space to get together. Don’t lose your temper, it’s part of the adaptation. Children will grow and, at the same time, the moments of life as a couple will increase. In the meantime, we must seize the opportunities that present themselves and create the opportunities ourselves!

The arrival of children is the best opportunity to consolidate as a couple. We do not stop or stop being a couple, not if the members of the same decide that this is not the case and commit themselves daily. We are simply no longer a couple, but a family.

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