Appetite Suppressants: The 7 Best Foods

In addition to satiating, these foods bring multiple benefits because they take care of cardiovascular health, keep cholesterol under control and regulate intestinal transit. 
Appetite Suppressors: The 7 Best Foods

Nervous hunger is certainly one of the biggest obstacles for those who want to lose the extra pounds. Feeling the constant need to eat certainly leads to ingesting more calories than necessary and therefore not losing weight. Appetite suppressants are an important strategy because they provide satiety and calm food anxiety.

Although this anxiety manifests itself differently in each person, depending on the metabolism and age, it is never healthy. It mostly leads to making bad food choices and especially favors fats and carbohydrates.

The foods we are about to recommend are considered appetite suppressants: low in calories, they work without damaging the metabolism or health.

They are 7: do not hesitate to add them to your diet!

7 foods that act as appetite suppressants

1. Avocado

avocado split in half

Avocado is a delicious fruit and at the same time with high nutritional value and health properties.

Contains a lot of fiber and monounsaturated fatty acids that help prolong the feeling of satiety. These nutrients participate in digestion and also help keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check.

2. Flax seeds

Adding flax seeds to salads or smoothies is a good way to keep food anxiety in check. This is because they contain fibers which, in contact with stomach fluids, triple in volume.

Consuming them helps prevent abdominal swelling and eliminate toxins retained in the colon thanks to a slight laxative effect.

3. Apples

Apples among the appetite suppressant foods

The apple is one of the most suitable fruits to control hunger and therefore to lose weight in a healthy way.

Rich in fiber, antioxidants and essential minerals, it is a great snack and makes you forget the desire to fill yourself with food in case of stress and nervousness.

Furthermore, its natural acids help to repopulate the bacterial flora of the intestine and, at the same time, facilitate the elimination of waste.

4 eggs

Eggs are also on the list of appetite suppressing foods due to their high energy value and significant supply of high quality protein.

Nutritionists recommend eating them especially for breakfast because, in this way, the body assimilates the amino acids better. This optimizes energy and the strengthening of muscle mass.

Although they contain a few more calories than other foods, eating them promotes weight loss as they satiate and prevent us from constantly nibbling.

5. Almonds: Delicious appetite suppressants

Bowl with almonds

Almonds are among the best foods to inhibit the desire to eat between meals.

Their high intake of fiber and essential amino acids makes them a natural appetite suppressant.

At the same time, they contain omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and magnesium, three key nutrients for good circulatory and cardiovascular health. Thanks to their anti-inflammatory action, almonds help prevent heart and cognitive diseases.

6. Oats

Known as the “queen of cereals”, oats are one of the best allies for improving digestion and keeping anxiety under control.

Its fiber content makes it a natural appetite inhibitor, as well as a cholesterol and blood pressure control agent.

Eating oats increases the production of ghrelin, a hormone that warns the brain when the body is full.

In addition, it has a low glycemic index and, instead of raising its peaks, it  helps turn it into a source of energy for the body.

7. Blue fish: among the appetite suppressing foods and friend of the heart

Grilled fish fillet and salad

Blue fish is a complete food as it provides essential proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Unlike other types of fish, it does not contain as many calories and, at the same time, provides good amounts of omega 3 fatty acids.

All of these nutrients help control appetite during anxiety attacks while promoting cardiovascular and brain health.

By adding it regularly to our diet, we also improve metabolism and strengthen muscle mass.

Among the recommended varieties we find, for example:

  • Salmon.
  • Mackerel.
  • Tuna.
  • Sardines.
  • Cod.
  • Herring.

Can’t get food anxiety under control? Then increase your consumption of these 7 foods. You will discover how they help prolong the feeling of satiety and your figure will thank you.

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