Anxiety Affects Body Odor

To avoid the bad smell caused by anxiety, it is essential to learn to control the emotional factor without focusing too much on the external problem.
Anxiety affects body odor

Anxiety is not only about psychological well-being, it also affects other more physical factors such as body odor. Read on to find out how anxiety affects body odor and take note.

Some people who ignore the fact that much of their physical suffering is caused by anxiety. The first step in controlling secondary symptoms, such as bad body odor, is to learn to recognize these symptoms: tachycardia, sweating, increased temperature, sleep disturbances, digestive disorders, etc.

Let’s see how anxiety affects body odor and how to avoid it.

The relationship between sweat, anxiety and body odor

Sweat stains

There is a close relationship between sweat and anxiety. When we feel anxiety, the body increases the heart rate, resulting in dilation of the pupils and in some cases even giving rise to breathing problems. At that moment the body goes into a state of alert.

It is then that the hypothalamus is activated, sending a signal to the adrenal glands, which release adrenaline and cortisol, the latter also known as the stress hormone. All this ends up triggering sweating, which occurs through the pores of the skin.

But the sweat, in this case, is not the same type as that released during exercise. It is a sweat composed of 80% water and 20% proteins and fats.

Furthermore, this substance easily comes into contact with skin bacteria, generating bad odors. This condition ends up becoming a vicious circle, because sweating makes us nervous, leading us to sweat even more and to release more and more bad odors.

This makes us understand that anxiety is a determining factor in understanding why sometimes there is a greater production of bad body odor. To counteract it in the best possible way, it is essential to act on anxiety . And, while there is no doubt that sweat is a natural reaction of the body, in these cases it can make us feel uncomfortable.

Anxiety Affects Body Odor: How Can You Avoid It?

Anxious girl

Anxiety works so that the person anticipates the negative consequences of a situation, without even having a reason.

The best thing to do in these cases is to try to interpret the facts in the least serious way possible, being realistic and not amplifying the scope of the events. It is important to think about the real extent of any consequences.

We remember that there are a myriad of problems beyond our reach, about which we can not do anything, so it is better to prepare and face them; nothing more.

It is important to learn to divert attention from the problem. When we feel anxiety, our attention is focused on the difficulty that is oppressing us at that moment. In this sense, it is necessary to learn to relax and not focus attention on the problem all the time.

Although it is undeniable that we must remain vigilant, it is also true that it is also necessary to rest and save resources, get distracted and think about other things. Also, if you find it useful, don’t hesitate to resort to relaxation techniques. These practices can be physical, progressive or related to breathing, etc.

Thanks to these tricks you will help reduce physiological activation. And it is proven that when these skills are exercised, problems begin to resolve themselves in a more effective way.

What to do if you have an anxiety attack

Anxiety and Serotonin Anxiety affects body odor

When you suffer from a panic or anxiety attack, you lose control and this adds to the fear. In these cases, the heart rate increases, breathing becomes difficult and hyperventilation, temperature increase and tremors occur.

In these moments, the most important thing to do is to convey to the person the feeling that there is no real danger situation and that what is happening is not serious. If you can shift the focus and reduce the severity of your panic attack symptoms, they will lessen.

The best way to achieve this is to think about something else, change the subject, get to do something, do something that helps keep you active and distracted, or breathe more slowly.

Now that you know how anxiety affects body odor, you can take all necessary measures and use the most appropriate relaxation techniques to solve this problem.

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