Urinary Sepsis: Causes And Treatment

Urinary sepsis is a serious form of urinary tract infection that spreads through the bloodstream.
Urinary sepsis: causes and treatment

Urinary sepsis is a rather serious health problem. It consists, in fact, in an inflammatory reaction of the organism following an intense infection.

This infection can have various causes and characteristics. On the other hand, urinary sepsis indicates that the disorder affects the person’s urinary tract. One of the classification criteria is related to the extent of the infection. In this case, lower urinary tract sepsis affects only the urethra and bladder, while upper urinary sepsis can affect the kidneys.

At present, this is a rather frequent problem, especially in patients with severe pathologies. However, over time, experts have managed to improve its treatment. According to recent studies, the death rate in recent years has dropped significantly.

What are the possible causes of urinary sepsis?

In general, infections that can lead to urinary sepsis are caused by different bacteria. However, it can also depend on the presence of other microorganisms such as viruses, parasites and even fungi. These microorganisms can come from the external or internal environment (the patient’s organism).

Once the infectious agents reach the urinary tract tissue, they can move through the bloodstream. The development of sepsis is related to the characteristics of the microorganisms and the patient’s condition. As a result, the risk increases in patients with a weak immune system, in the presence of aggressive microorganisms, etc.

Treatment of urinary sepsis

Antibiotic resistant bacteria
To start treatment promptly, it is necessary to trace the microorganism causing the disorder.

Before proposing any therapeutic intervention, it is essential to go back to the microorganism that causes sepsis. In this sense, the symptoms related to the presence of an infection will be evaluated.

The number of organisms that can cause urinary sepsis is quite extensive. Symptoms can include high fever, rapid heart rate or increased heart rate, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. On the other hand, there may be changes in blood cell values, increased blood sugar and skin problems.

In these cases, the heart is unable to pump enough blood to the different organs of the body. In the case of the kidneys, this state causes a reduction in their functions, particularly in the production of urine. In the case of urinary sepsis, therefore, less urine will be produced, in medical terms known as oliguria.

Medicines used

The medical staff will be able to detect the cause and will provide the most suitable guidelines for treatment. Since this is a serious problem, the chances of improvement increase according to the application of the treatment. As a rule, the following procedures are used:

  • Consumption of vasoconstrictor drugs in an attempt to raise blood pressure. Typically, they are administered in combination with intravenous sera.
  • Antibiotics to treat the infection. When the area of ​​infection cannot be identified, broad-spectrum antibiotics are given.

Therefore, in case of suspicion of urinary sepsis, a set of compounds will be used against possible microorganisms. In any case, the medical staff will treat the changes resulting from the infection. For example, those related to the urinary tract (both low and high).

  • Application of corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory substances to reduce the inflammatory response in general. Studies are currently underway to demonstrate its efficacy, but they already appear to improve patient prognosis.

One method of preventing the onset of urinary sepsis is compliance with basic hygiene measures. In particular, attention should be paid to washing hands and cleaning the tools used.

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