Smoothies To Cleanse The Liver And Lose Weight

Smoothies to cleanse the liver and lose weight

Few people know how important it is to have a healthy liver in order to enjoy good health and regulate the body’s metabolism. According to the Canadian Liver Foundation, this vital organ of our body performs more than 500 tasks, including:

  • Fights infections
  • Neutralizes toxins
  • It produces proteins and hormones
  • Check your blood sugar levels
  • It produces bile
  • Promotes blood clotting

One of the most interesting features of the liver is its ability to regenerate and purify itself; precisely because of this, people do not take care of it, until the first problems arise.

The restless lifestyle, poor diet and sedentary lifestyle inhibit the natural detoxification process  of this important organ, which affects the increase in obesity and the development of chronic diseases.

For this reason, various purification techniques have been being promoted for several years to help stimulate the functions of the liver and improve its functioning.

Why can drinking smoothies help us cleanse our liver and lose weight?

the liver performs a large number of functions

Natural smoothies are wonderful allies to stimulate the elimination of toxins accumulated in the liver and, consequently, to lose weight.

By combining the properties of certain fruits and vegetables, these drinks promote liver function and improve the functioning of the liver in the process of metabolizing fats, as well as preventing them from accumulating in the body.

As if that weren’t enough, their high concentration of nutrients strengthens the immune system, energizes the body and helps prevent various diseases.

Lemon, celery and parsley smoothie

lemon, celery and parsley smoothie

Green leafy vegetables, such as celery and parsley, provide the body with important vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that facilitate the purification process  and inhibit the action of free radicals.

In this case they are combined with a powerful citrus fruit, lemon, known for its medicinal qualities, especially that of purifying the body and increasing its defenses.


  • 3 lemons
  • 1 glass of chopped parsley (45 g)
  • 5 stalks of celery
  • 1 and a half liters of water


Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for a few seconds, until you get a homogeneous mixture. Drink two glasses on an empty stomach, before main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), for 2 days in a row.

Papaya and lemon smoothie

papaya and lemon smoothie

Papaya contains an enzyme known as papain, which helps improve digestion and promotes liver function. Combined with lemon juice, it creates a detox smoothie, which helps eliminate waste substances from the body, as well as improving the results of your weight loss diets.


  • ½ papaya
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend until you get the desired consistency. Drink on an empty stomach for 7 days and stop treatment for the next 10 days.

Carrot and black cabbage smoothie

carrot and black cabbage smoothie

The mix of carrots and kale makes this smoothie an unbeatable detoxifier, which facilitates liver cleansing and improves the body’s ability to eliminate toxins. Kale is an ingredient that helps protect the liver and prevents various chronic diseases.


  • 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (200 ml)
  • 3 black cabbage leaves


Blend the two ingredients and drink the smoothie very fresh, preferably on an empty stomach. This drink must be taken, at least, for 7 consecutive days, twice a month.

Blueberry and beetroot smoothie

blueberry and beetroot smoothie

The blueberry and beet smoothie is a powerful drink that relieves the feeling of heaviness in the body, helps to cleanse the liver and, in addition, facilitates weight loss.

Its high concentration of antioxidant compounds and vitamins stimulate the functions of this vital organ and, at the same time, protect it from free radicals that could damage it.


  • 3 beets
  • ½ glass of blueberries (60 g)
  • The juice of one lemon
  • Cold water or ice


  • Extract the juice from the beets with a centrifuge.
  • In a blender, blend the blueberries, lemon juice and water until the mixture is quite liquid.
  • Next, add the beetroot juice and blend all the ingredients for a few seconds.

To improve results,  we recommend that you take this smoothie on an empty stomach. 

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