Improve Metabolism And Lose Weight In A Healthy Way With 4 Simple Strategies

It is very important to stick to a daily routine that includes 5 meals and physical activity. Usually one hour of exercise a day is enough.
Improve your metabolism and lose weight in a healthy way with 4 simple strategies

Surely you know more than one person who is lucky enough to be able to eat anything and not gain an ounce of weight. How do they do it? Slow or fast metabolism almost always depends on genetic conditions. However, there are some strategies that everyone can use to regulate and improve metabolism.

A different case, but equally frequent, is that of having a rapid metabolism during the first part of life and then, upon reaching a certain age, noticing that body weight increases and it is increasingly difficult to lose those extra pounds. Don’t despair or give up, absolutely! It’s just a matter of changing your habits and following the following tips every day.

1. No to low calorie diets

Plastic dishes

This is the first mistake we make when we want to lose weight: we want to eat less, follow a strict diet and prepare meals without fat or carbohydrates. However, do you know what the consequences of these diets are for the body?

Calorie requirement

We must always remember that it is necessary to consume between 1000 and 1200 calories per day to respect a healthy diet. Eating fewer calories than you need doesn’t help improve your metabolism but ends up slowing it down, which not only doesn’t help you lose weight but also puts your health at risk. It’s not really worth it!


A strict diet prevents us from obtaining the minimum levels of glucose that the brain, muscles and the whole body need to perform their basic functions, so be careful.

Loss of muscle mass

Are you familiar with the concept of “loose skin” that involves losing weight? There is nothing more unsightly and this is basically due to the fact that strict diets do not provide enough nutrients and therefore the body must obtain them from a different source . Do you know which is the first source to which it goes? The muscles and, if the diet persists for several weeks, the cells of the lungs and heart.

2. Yes to breakfast to improve metabolism

Nomadic Lass breakfast

Breakfast is essential to get your metabolism going. This is the most important piece of advice to follow if you want to lose weight in a healthy way. You need to remember that the body needs to regulate glucose and insulin levels, and if it gets the right nutrients as soon as you get out of bed, it doesn’t need energy “stores” in the form of fat in the muscles or abdomen.

Here are some useful tips for a healthy breakfast that speeds up your metabolism.

  • From when you get up to when you have breakfast,  it should never be more than an hour. If you spend more time, your metabolism slows down and what you ingest is “stored” and not burned.
  • Drink a glass of warm water and lemon on an empty stomach. This way you will cleanse your body and get the right levels of vitamins. After that, wait 15-20 minutes before having breakfast.
  • It is very important to include protein in your breakfast. Why? Because they satiate, tone the muscles and give the body the energy it needs to start the day.
  • Here are the best foods to include in your breakfast that will help you improve your metabolism:
    • Green tea.
    • White tea.
    • Ginger infusion.
    • Black coffee.
    • Green coffee.
    • Oats.
    • Eggs.
    • Spinach.
    • Natural Greek yogurt.
    • Green apples.
    • Pears.
    • Grapefruit.
    • Walnuts.
    • Avocado.

3. Do different types of physical activity

physical exercise

Certainly among your daily habits there is already that of a healthy half-hour walk. However, this is not enough for many to speed up their metabolism and burn stored fat.

A solution? Do different types of physical activity, simple exercises that get the body in motion and activate the metabolism. Here’s what the ideal daily routine is :

  • Walk for 30 minutes.
  • Run for 10 minutes.
  • Climbing the stairs (it is a very simple exercise that does not waste time. Just choose the stairs instead of taking the elevator).
  • 20 minutes of cardio and exercises such as dance or aerobics.

To do all these exercises, it takes less than an hour a day.

4. Eat a little several times a day

improve metabolism

If you have inherited your relatives’ slow metabolism, the worst mistake would be to skip meals when trying to lose weight. By choosing not to have dinner or not to have breakfast, you will only get the body “on alert”, which will begin to accumulate fat because it does not receive the necessary nutrients. If, on the other hand, you eat little 5 or 6 times a day, you will give your body the right balance.

For these 5 or 6 meals we advise you to avoid the consumption of refined flours, sweets, ready meals … Replace all this with fresh vegetables, healthy proteins and “good” fats such as those of salmon or blue fish. It is also very important to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water a day, which will help eliminate toxins and improve your metabolism even more.

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