How To Treat Hemorrhoids Naturally

To treat hemorrhoids, it is very important to follow a diet rich in fiber and to consume at least two liters of water per day.
How to treat hemorrhoids naturally

You may believe that few people suffer from this problem, but they are not. More and more people are turning to their doctor to treat hemorrhoids.

In this article you will find some tips to treat hemorrhoids naturally.

Treating hemorrhoids: what, how, why

Hemorrhoids are really annoying. Those who suffer from it know this well. They are caused by an increase in pressure in the anus area and by some triggering factors such as:

  • chronic constipation
  • pregnancy
  • childbirth
  • obesity
  • stress
  • low-fiber diet
  • sitting all day
  • do not engage in physical activity
  • wearing clothing that is too tight

The most frequent symptoms of hemorrhoids are:

  • ache
  • burning
  • itch
  • annoyance
  • bleeding

Sometimes there is little emphasis on how to treat hemorrhoids, but be aware that if the situation worsens, surgery is likely to be required. It is advisable to follow healthy habits and to resort to natural remedies. However, it is always useful to seek the advice of your doctor.

treat hemorrhoids naturally

Some tips for treating hemorrhoids

  • Avoid high-protein diets (such as the Dukan diet)
  • Opt for a diet rich in fiber, which you will find in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
  • Do not consume foods that contain a lot of sugar (sweets, candies, snacks, etc.).
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water a day in winter and 3 in summer.
  • Don’t overdo it with coffee and alcohol.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Try to achieve a healthy weight.
  • Do not use very strong laxatives.
  • Don’t smoke and reduce your stress levels.
  • Use cotton underwear and don’t wear tight pants.
  • Avoid using irritating, flavored or too rough toilet paper, and opt for wet wipes (such as those used for children).
  • Don’t hold back when you have to go to the bathroom.
  • Don’t stay seated all day; and if your job requires it, put cushions to make your seat more comfortable (as well as getting up every now and then).
recommendations for hemorrhoids

Natural remedies for hemorrhoids

In addition to following the advice just indicated (they seem a lot, but they are simple and improve the state of hemorrhoids), it is good that you take advantage of the benefits of the following recipes to prepare at home.

Witch hazel

It is a tree that has astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, which help reduce the pain and burning caused by hemorrhoids. You can prepare moistening wipes by pouring a few drops of witch hazel essential oil on them.

You can also find them ready in some shops or pharmacies. Pay attention to possible irritation, especially if you have very sensitive skin. In this case, discontinue use immediately. You can reduce the effects with a few drops of olive oil, to dilute the witch hazel oil.

Indian chestnut

Surely you will know this tree, which extracts are present in many creams and beauty articles. The flowers of the guinea chestnut are white in color with pinkish hues and are used to improve blood circulation and to tone the blood vessels, therefore, they are perfect for treating hemorrhoids. For this, prepare an herbal tea:

  • 1 handful of Indian chestnut leaves
  • 1 glass of water

Heat both ingredients in a saucepan. When they come to a boil, leave on the stove for another 5 minutes. Then, remove the saucepan and let the herbal tea cool. Strain it and pour it into a container. Use it to make the bidet and apply it on the anal area. You can also soak a little cotton or a towel in the infusion and apply to the affected area.

Comfrey root

Helps relieve pain caused by hemorrhoids, especially bleeding. You can find powdered comfrey in herbal medicine. Add some water to create a paste to apply to the anal area. Let it act for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Aloe vera

apple cider vinegar

This plant has numerous properties for the skin and wounds, it helps to heal and relieve inflammation and for this reason it is recommended for hemorrhoids.  In fact, you can open an aloe vera leaf and extract the gel, applying it directly to the affected area, or you can directly apply a part of the leaf (open) on the anal area, to relieve pain.

Oak bark

Oak is a tree with wonderful properties, including:

  • antiseptics
  • anti-inflammatory
  • astringents

A perfect remedy for hemorrhoids is to prepare an herbal tea with:

  • 1 tablespoon of oak bark
  • 1 glass of water

Put the bark in the water and leave it to infuse for 15 minutes. Subsequently, pour the mixture, soak a cotton ball in the warm infusion and apply to the affected area. This recipe is indicated for reducing swelling, but not in cases of constipation.

Neem tree

It is one of the most used in Ayurveda medicine due to its great properties. It can be used to treat:

  • diabetes
  • cholesterol
  • hemorrhoids

In this case, it is indicated because it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties; it also reduces pain. It can be used both as a topical treatment and for internal use, as follows:

  • 1 handful of Neem tree bark
  • 1 glass of water

Prepare the herbal tea following the usual procedure. Let it cool for 5 minutes if you want to drink it or for 15 if you opt for topical application. If you prefer internal intake, this will help improve digestion and constipation. If you opt for external use, apply the herbal tea with a little cotton, warm or cold, to relieve burning and bleeding.

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