Sleeping Badly Increases The Risk Of Alzheimer’s

Regardless of age, to prevent Alzheimer’s it is important to optimize the quality of night’s rest and thus avoid unpleasant consequences for health.
Bad sleep increases the risk of Alzheimer's

Nowadays the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s has increased significantly even among the youngest. The causes of this degenerative process have not yet been identified, but what is certain is that the number of cases is growing more and more. However, science tells us that poor sleep can be one of the possible causes.

The brain is an organ with multiple functions. It is linked to practically all biological processes, as it has the task of “giving orders” to the cells of the organism.

Alzheimer’s is one of the most common neurological disorders worldwide. Recent studies have shown that sleeping poorly can increase the risk of suffering from this disease.

What is Alzheimer’s and what are the main symptoms?

Alzheimer's x-ray

Alzheimer’s is commonly known as “dementia” and is usually associated with the stage of old age.

By dementia we mean those processes that involve the loss of memory and intellectual abilities.

Over time, some signals begin to manifest: neurons die and the brain is no longer able to regenerate itself, thus losing the power and effectiveness of youth.

However, in the case of Alzheimer’s, dementia is one of the consequences of this very serious brain disease.

Neuronal degeneration reaches the point where it radically changes the personality and behavior of the person affected. Some patients may have severe identity disorders.

Although Alzheimer’s primarily affects older people, it can affect anyone at any age, especially in the presence of risk factors including:

  • Smoke
  • Alcoholism
  • Consumption of toxic substances
  • Incorrect and unbalanced diet
  • Illnesses
  • Accidents

The main symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease include:

  • Memory problems that hinder daily activities
  • Difficulty in solving simple problems
  • Difficulty doing routine activities
  • Loss of the notion of time and space
  • Difficulty  interpreting images
  • Problems with written or spoken language
  • Problems with storing and finding objects
  • Inability to make decisions and loss of common sense
  • Loss of initiative and motivation
  • Mood swings, changes in behavior or personality

Bad sleep and Alzheimer’s: is there a relationship?

The brain experiences a kind of accelerated deterioration in case of bad rest or in the absence of it.

In fact, sleep is linked to various problems in the body because it is directly involved in the metabolism of cells. It can compromise all organs in the body, increase vulnerability to pain, cause memory problems, and weaken the immune system.

All this has to do with the main function of sleep, which is to ensure adequate rest for the body.

An organism that does not rest is like a machine that continues to produce without stopping and that sooner or later breaks down.

Do you sleep a lot or sleep well?

Woman takes sleeping pills

Contrary to what many people think, it’s not just about getting little sleep. The amount of sleep does not guarantee its good quality.

This explains why some people are perfectly fit even if they sleep 5-6 hours a day, while others are very tired even after sleeping 12 hours.

Sleeping badly increases the risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s. There is an increase in the production of two of the main biological markers of this disease: the beta-amyloid protein and the tau protein.

The accumulation of beta-amyloid protein results in the formation of highly toxic plaques for neurons. Excess tau protein can produce highly destructive neurofibrillary clusters for the brain.

The relationship between sleep and Alzheimer’s

Man cannot sleep

The exact cause and consequences are not yet known, as toxic substances that damage cells in Alzheimer’s can also hinder night rest.

In any case, we reiterate the importance of maintaining good sleep quality.

Getting better sleep is not difficult, almost always a matter of making some changes in daily habits.

For example, it is possible to reduce stress, practice physical activity, set boundaries between professional and private life. It is necessary to alternate moments of training and moments of rest, as well as following a balanced diet.

Finally, it is essential to consult your doctor in the presence of any symptoms and therefore choose the most suitable treatment to follow. The risk of suffering from Alzheimer’s cannot be taken lightly and can be prevented if you invest correctly in your quality of life.

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