Living Without Fear, What Matters Is To Decide To Do It

To live without fear, we must accept that anything can happen and that from anything, good or bad, we can get a teaching. 
Living without fear, what matters is to decide to do it

I want to go crazy, get rid of everything that hurt me. Start living without fear. I want to start over, taking risks, overcoming my fears and learning from my mistakes at the same time.

Many people spend their whole life gripped by a terrible fear that prevents them from doing everything they would like. This causes anxiety and frustration, as if they have a weight that binds them and prevents them from moving forward.

The negative experiences of my past do not allow to live without fear

live without fear - look over your shoulder

Who hasn’t had an experience they’d rather forget? Unfortunately some of these mark us to such an extent that it is practically impossible to leave them behind. They therefore become a very heavy baggage that we carry on our shoulders.

This happens when we are unable to overcome what has happened. We are tied to the past. Any situation that resembles that terrible experience makes us run away.

How can you turn the page? How can we move forward without being influenced by past experience?

  • Accept what happened: many other people have had the same experience and have been able to move forward. It doesn’t matter how bad the situation is. If you admit what happened, you have already taken a big step forward.
  • Learn from what has hurt you: every negative circumstance always hides something positive. So you will be able to go a little further.
  • Things will not always go the same way: even if a partner has been unfaithful to you in the past , you should not avoid starting new relationships for fear of it happening again. It is not certain that the situation will repeat itself.
  • Look ahead: leave the past behind you. You have learned, accepted and are now willing to have new experiences. There will be positive and negative ones. Both will make you stronger people.
live without fear - woman sitting on the ground

Live without fear of “what if …”

Some of our worst fears come not from past circumstances, but from the unpredictable future that awaits us.

There are people who do not stop evaluating what could happen to them by saying one thing rather than another, if they act in a certain way, if they make certain decisions …

All these assumptions hold us back and  prevent us from daring to accomplish what we so much want.

Maybe you think you want to start your own business and start a company. Everything works in your favor, you just need to take the first step to set the situation in motion.

What are you waiting for?


The “what if …” appear and everything falls like a sand castle. What if everything goes wrong? What if the company goes bankrupt?

This only leads you to avoid doing what you want now. Things can be good or bad, but if you stand still you will never know for sure.

Trust yourself

Most of our fears come from our self-esteem.  The lower it is, the stronger our fears will be.

For this reason, it  is very important to trust yourself, not to be afraid of falling or failing. Things don’t always go well, but the important thing is to take risks.

Our doubts and our bad thoughts are only resources that test us because it is normal to be afraid of the news. It is also completely normal to be afraid of what has already made us suffer once.

Fall down and stand up, stumble and try walking again. If you love someone, don’t let them go because someone else has hurt you in the past and you have stopped believing in others.

Why not try again? If it was a disaster in the past, it doesn’t mean you can’t try again. Maybe this time it will be fine.


Being afraid is normal, so if you want to do something and you are afraid, don’t be discouraged by this feeling. Do not be blocked by this feeling of anguish, which can have various origins.

Leaving these feelings behind and starting to live fearlessly is entirely up to you.

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