Loving Those Who Don’t Love Us Is A Waste Of Time

Beyond the relationships of the couple and with others, the first person we must love and respect is us; furthermore, we must expect others to respect us too
Loving those who don't love us is a waste of time

Loving those who don’t love us is like wishing for snow in the summer, like wanting to sail on a boat without sails or waiting for a train at the airport.

It is fruitless and painful; however, even if we are aware that we are not loved, it is terribly difficult to break the bond overnight. 

Unrequited love is a music that resonates among human beings; there is no age to  discover the disinterest of those who have all our attention or the rejection of the person on whom we have projected all our expectations.

Dealing with the situation correctly may require an adequate personal growth strategy. It allows us to understand that the most important thing is to protect one’s self-esteem without losing dignity.

Prolonging a situation where we have been made to understand that there is no hope and, despite this, waiting to be loved or settling for crumbs can be highly destructive.

We invite you to reflect on this.

To love without being loved, to love without being repaid

Loving and not being reciprocated causes an inconsistency in our brain. All our emotional investments have embroidered a fabric full of illusions, hopes and beliefs that run into a harsh reality: we are not loved.

At this point, it must be said that situations are not always that simple. First, there are nuances, particular cases that give greater emotional complexity to these circumstances. Let’s see them below.

When they give us false hope

“If you love, protect; if you don’t love, don’t deceive ”. This should be the main essence that should define everyone in order to establish more mature and respectful relationships.

Girl and birds

Sometimes we get carried away personally and emotionally by someone who merely gives  us hope for a concrete benefit.

  • Perhaps he feels lonely and to avoid this loneliness, he makes us believe that we are important in his heart, but, in reality, this is not the case. It is a very dangerous situation.
  • False hopes can also depend on the low emotional solvency of someone who can’t say “No, I don’t love you, I don’t care in that sense”. Instead of slowing down in time, he drags on for fear of hurting or disillusioning.
  • This can also happen in a couple relationship that has been going on for some time. Perhaps one of the two members no longer loves the other and, instead of being sincere, remains in the same condition, giving rise to a false and painful relationship.

When we don’t know how to react

Loving someone is an intimate, delicate and profound process, to be managed over time and through very significant moments.

  • When we receive rejection or when we are already totally aware that we are not loved, the person does not know very well how to react.
  • Knowing that you are not loved is experienced in the same way as a bereavement, a loss. Therefore, the first feeling that arises is blocking and denial.
  • Thereafter, the person will have no other remedy than to try the following stages: awareness, anger, anger, emotional outburst and, finally, acceptance.
Drawing with woman and butterfly

You have a dignity and you must never be satisfied with crumbs

There is always hope. We often tell ourselves that if we act in this way , they will notice us or that those who do not love us will learn to do so.

Love can be the most intense and wonderful dimension of the human being, but at the same time the most painful wound, the most blind and obsessive.

  • We must not fall into these circles of slow self-destruction. Above these situations of intense emotional pain, only one dimension must prevail: to love ourselves.
  • It is good to move away and allow distance to be our best lifesaver, the best medicine to find ourselves.
  • This retreat does not only imply physical withdrawal from the other person.  It is necessary to break any relationship  on social networks, where, in some way, the desire to know how he is, what he shares, what photo he uploads, with whom he makes friends can return.

This is not recommended.

Woman drawing

True love does not hurt, weaken or feed false hopes. For this reason, if we are not loved, we must let go, say goodbye and move forward in solitude, to resume the bond with our self-esteem, with our identity.

Sooner or later you will meet the person for you and, if not, it is not the end of the world. Self-love is a wonderful adventure that must always be undertaken and enjoyed.

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