4 Exercises To Keep Fit

To keep fit and get good results in a short time, you need to practice these exercises consistently, at least three times a week
4 exercises to keep fit

We all like to keep fit and show off an enviable silhouette. The problem is that it is not always easy to succeed, perhaps because you do not find the time to do some physical activity.

The simple exercises we propose today will make the task easier for you and you will be able to reach your goal of staying fit.

Remember that to get good results, it is important to be consistent. The ideal is to follow a training program and do these exercises at least twice a week. After just one month of training, you will notice improvements in agility, strength, pace and balance.

1. Push-ups to stay fit

push-ups to stay fit

The first exercise we propose is push-ups. Push-ups are not just for strengthening your arms, they also allow you to train your entire upper body.

The secret lies in doing push-ups in a slow and controlled manner. In fact, sudden movements, together with poor posture, can have negative consequences and cause injuries.

How to do push-ups?

  • To do the push-ups correctly, you need to lie on your stomach.
  • Line up your ankles, knees, hips and shoulders.
  • Then, rest your elbows on the ground forming a 90 ° angle. The chest should lightly touch the floor.
  • The exercise consists of lifting up by stretching the arms upwards.
  • Exhale as you rise and inhale as you lower yourself.
  • Try to keep your hips lifted and focus on your shoulders, pecs and triceps.

2. Plank

plank to gain shape throughout the body

The plank is one of the most complete exercises. For those who do not know what it is, to do the plank, you have to lie on your stomach and lean on your elbows. The elbows should be aligned with the shoulders, hips and feet. Stretch your legs well and keep your back straight.

  • The goal of the exercise is to maintain this position for as long as possible.
  • Start with a 15 second streak and you will immediately notice the difference.
  • At the beginning it will be enough to resist a few seconds, it will still be enough to notice a change.
  • As the days go by, you can increase the duration of the exercise.
  • With this exercise you will train endurance, improve posture, stimulate metabolism, work different muscles and prevent injuries.

3. Squat

perform squats

The squat is not the easiest exercise to do, but its effectiveness is proven, so we put it on the list. If done effectively, this exercise will be a little painful, but it will work your entire lower body.

  • Open your legs at your hips. The toes should be pointing outwards.
  • Bend your knees and lower your torso.
  • The back must remain straight. The buttocks are like “weights” that are lowered backwards.
  • Be careful not to bend your knees inward.
  • Then, slowly return to the starting position, with your chin raised and your gaze forward.

If possible, do this exercise in front of the mirror, so that you realize if you are adopting the correct posture or not.

Remember to start with a few repetitions and gradually increase the frequency according to your abilities.

4. Strength training to stay fit

Strength training sessions allow you to keep fit without spending too much time on physical activity. Three sessions per week will suffice.

To be effective, the training session will need to include the following exercises. You can do sets of 15 to 25 repetitions depending on your ability.

  • pull-ups and 1 for the triceps (15 repetitions).
  • 25 reps of push-ups, 1 set of jump squats and 1 set of abs.
  • lunges with jump (from 15 repetitions), 1 set of lunges and 1 set of abdominals.
  • push-ups with alternating arms and 1 set of squats of 15 repetitions.
  • push-ups, 1 set of calf raises (15 reps for each leg) and 1 set of lower back.

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