7 Foods To Relieve Colds

It is very common to confuse colds with flu due to the similarity of their symptoms, but they are two diseases that are caused by completely different viruses. In this article we tell you how to combat cold symptoms.
7 foods to relieve colds

Relieving colds is a fundamental need, as it is a very common virus among people. It is very common when living in cold climates. This viral disease is known for causing:

  • nasal congestion
  • sneezing
  • pain in the throat
  • cough
  • other symptoms

What do we really have?

Although it is very common to confuse colds with flu due to the similarity of their symptoms, we must point out that they are two diseases caused by completely different viruses.

  • Influenza: it is a respiratory infection in which the patient has a fever above 38 ° C, muscle and joint pain.
  • Cold: it is a respiratory viral infection that can be caused by different viruses (Rhinovirus, Parainfluenza, etc.). When the individual suffers from the common cold, it is normal for them to have a runny nose, dry cough, sneezing or sore throat.

Combat cold symptoms

In many cases, although it is always advisable to consume natural foods daily to stay healthy, it is important to consider which of them we can take to relieve colds.

1. Ginger


According to a study published by the American Medical Association, this food is one of the most recommended by professionals for relieving colds due to the properties it possesses to fight nasal congestion and boost our immune system.

A natural recipe for relieving colds is to prepare an infusion of ginger, for which you will need:

  • Ginger root (10 g)
  • Water (250 ml)
  • Lemon and honey (optional)

To prepare it, you just have to chop the ginger and add it to a cup of boiling water for 5 minutes. Once ready, strain it and add the juice of a lemon; you can also sweeten with a little honey.

2. Garlic

It is considered one of the most important home remedies due to its antibacterial nature and its expectorant properties. Its constant consumption helps to reduce nasal congestion, significantly helping to relieve colds.

3. Onion


Although it makes us cry when we are in the kitchen, this vegetable contains nutrients that disinfect the mucous membranes, calm coughs and relieve lung congestion.

By consuming it periodically or by placing half of an onion on the bedside table to breathe in its aroma, we can strengthen our immune system.

4 eggs

This food, rich in vitamins and minerals such as zinc and selenium, helps keep us healthy and strong. Natural egg protein is essential for building muscle mass, keeping the body’s defenses high and relieving cold symptoms.

5. Yellow squash

Pumpkin cream

In summary, for our defenses to be strong and no harmful microorganisms to enter our body, it is necessary to consume more yellow squash.

Having a large amount of beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A when consumed, is highly recommended by nutritionists and health professionals. All this helps us to maintain a good immune system, thanks to the ability to  prevent diseases of the respiratory system and eliminate the mucus that is localized in the throat, bronchi and lungs.

One of the most common tips when suffering from a cold is to prepare a yellow squash soup: this will strengthen our defenses. To prepare it, you will need:

  • Yellow pumpkin cut into pieces (250 g)
  • Onion cut into pieces (1 unit)
  • Peeled garlic cloves (3 units)
  • Water (2 l)
  • Oil, salt, pepper to taste

You will start by cooking all the vegetables in a pot with water for 45 minutes over low heat. When they are tender, put them in a blender with a cup and a half of the broth left in the pot, blend for five minutes at medium speed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

6. Lemon

Thanks to its healing properties and high intake of vitamins, this fruit is very popular for relieving colds. In fact it is a powerful natural antibiotic, purifying and bactericidal.

Its high vitamin C content helps strengthen the defenses. It avoids and helps fight diseases and symptoms characteristic of the cold.

When we are trying to relieve colds, it is advisable to add the juice of half a lemon and a few teaspoons of honey to a cup of hot water in the morning and drink it as soon as you get out of bed. Continue with the treatment until you notice that the throat discomfort is easing.

7. Legumes

Red beans

According to a study published by the Spanish Agri-Food Technological Institute, legumes, along with onions and garlic, act as a natural anti-flu remedy thanks to their properties that strengthen the immune system. Among the most popular are:

  • lentils
  • beans
  • chickpeas

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