5 Ways To Eliminate Excess Salt And Fat From The Body

Many diseases are largely due to incorrect lifestyle habits and above all to a food culture that encourages low quality food, poor in nutrients and with a high salt and fat content.
5 ways to get rid of excess salt and fat from your body

Salt and fat are our two great enemies: two silent bombs that are triggered in our body and that little by little “wreak havoc”: hypertension, increased bad cholesterol, overweight, kidney dysfunction, heart problems …

All of these pathologies are largely due to incorrect lifestyle habits and above all to a food culture that encourages low quality food, poor in nutrients and high in salt and fat .

We must also be aware that it is no longer an exclusive problem of the adult population. In recent years, childhood obesity rates have reached worrying levels.

How about starting today to improve our habits and strive to achieve a better quality of life? The first step is to purify the body and eliminate excess salt and fat from the body. Follow us!

How to get rid of excess salt and fats

1. Decoction of parsley and lemon

pureed parsley

This decoction should be drunk throughout the day and it is very important that the first glass is taken on an empty stomach, as soon as you get up. Helps to purify the body and eliminate the accumulation of salt, facilitating the work of the kidneys.

It is a powerful antioxidant because it is rich in vitamins, in fact, it stimulates the metabolism and therefore helps to burn fat, especially thanks to the addition of lemon juice. However, to obtain a good purifying effect, we recommend that you drink this decoction for three days in a row. Here is the procedure:


  • 5 sprigs of clean parsley
  • the juice of one lemon
  • 1 liter of water


  • Boil a liter of water. Then, when it boils, add five sprigs of parsley and let them cook for 20 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat and let the mixture rest for an hour.
  • Filter the contents by keeping the water in a container, add the lemon juice last. The flavor is strong enough, but this decoction is really effective in eliminating excess salt from the body. Drink it at room temperature, the first time on an empty stomach and then, in the following two days, 20 minutes after meals.

2. Strawberry and lemon water

Strawberry water, in addition to being a delicious and refreshing drink, is an excellent diuretic remedy for eliminating fat. Provides a good supply of vitamins and minerals (equally useful for fat burning). In fact, it helps reduce fluid retention caused by excess salt in the body.


  • 10 strawberries
  • 1 liter of water
  • the juice of one lemon


  • It is really easy to prepare. If you want, you can drink the parsley decoction the previous three days, and then continue with this treatment based on strawberry water. In this way, in one week we will reach the goal of eliminating excess salt and fat.
  • Then, boil a liter of water and cut the washed strawberries in half and pour them into the boiling water. Let it cook for half an hour. Strawberries need to be discarded. When you see that the strawberries have released all the juice, remove the pot from the heat and strain the mixture.
  • Pour the liquid into a jug and add the juice of one lemon. Drink it chilled, perhaps adding an ice cube, throughout the day, especially after meals.

3. Substitute the salt in your diet

pepper for the diet

Believe it or not, obviously there are tasty and adequate alternatives to replace salt at the table. Take note and you will see that you will not miss the salt. It all comes down to “reprogramming ourselves” and choosing healthier alternatives. Which ones are they?

  • The garlic
  • Oregano
  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper
  • The curry

4. We must sweat more!

Physical activity to eliminate salt and fat

The excess of salt and fat is burned and eliminated by sweating, making our heart work, setting the body in motion.

You know, it is tiring, we are always busy and it is difficult to find a spare time to exercise. But did we not say that salt and fats are the most dangerous enemies and that they cause serious damage to health? Why not start “sweating” from today? We need to get rid of the toxins!

It would be ideal to practice one of these activities:

  • Run for 20 minutes
  • Walk briskly for half an hour.
  • Ride a bicycle for half an hour.
  • To dance

5. Drink more water!

Drink water to purify yourself

We have certainly recommended it to you many times and will continue to do so. Drinking water is necessary, vital for our body, but even more so when we have an excess of salt, when we feel more swollen than usual or when, for example, we feel swollen ankles.

Swollen ankles are usually one of the symptoms of kidney failure, so don’t hesitate to drink a little more water each day (between 8 and 9 glasses). In this way you will eliminate the excess salt, you will favor the good health of the organs and all this will allow you to purify yourself. Remember these simple tips!

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