Age-related Skin Spots: How To Get Rid Of Them

To permanently eliminate skin spots, it is necessary to apply these remedies every day, as their effectiveness depends above all on constancy
Age-related skin spots: how to get rid of them

With age, the marks on the skin become more evident and the spots on the skin darken. While they are painless and not accompanied by other annoying symptoms, many people want to get rid of them for cosmetic reasons.

In today’s article we want to give you some advice to prepare some effective home remedies to naturally eliminate age-related skin spots.

What to know about age-related skin blemishes

Skin spots appear with age and are usually caused by overexposure to the sun

Skin spots that appear with age are called  lentigo senilis (although they are more known as sunspots or liver spots) and are small brown or black patches found in different areas of the body, usually the most exposed. in the sun.

They are, in fact, very frequent on the face, neck and back of the hands, although sometimes they also appear on the shoulders, back and feet.

These spots begin to appear around the age of fifty and, in general, are linked to excessive exposure to UV rays.

They can have different sizes and even if in most cases they do not represent a danger, it is always better to consult a doctor to rule out the possible presence of cancer cells.

The loss of color or the appearance of skin spots is a fairly common phenomenon, especially in middle-aged women. To better understand this process, it is necessary to talk first of all about melanin, the pigment that gives color to our skin.

During exposure to the sun, the body increases the production of melanin in order to protect the inner layers of the skin from the aggression of the dreaded UV rays. The same mechanism is activated when we make solar lamps.

However, spots on the skin do not appear only due to long exposure to UV rays, they can also depend on other factors, such as chronic diseases, aging or an incorrect or poor diet.

Natural remedies for age-related skin blemishes

Many people choose to see a doctor or a beautician to start an anti-blemish treatment, which is usually expensive and often painful.

Fortunately, however, there are many ingredients in nature with whitening properties that we can use to eliminate these unsightly skin spots in a natural and economical way.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon is perhaps the most powerful whitener that exists in nature.

Both the citric acid and the antioxidants present in this fruit act as natural whiteners capable of reducing skin blemishes, which is why many face creams are based on this ingredient.

  • The only thing to do is to squeeze a lemon and, with the juice obtained, soak a cotton ball.
  • Pass it on the affected areas and leave it to act for about twenty minutes, then rinse with cold water.
  • It is advisable to apply the juice in the evening, before going to sleep, and repeat this treatment every day.
  • In fact, if applied in the morning, citric acid could cause the opposite effect and stain the skin even more.

2. Whey

Whey helps eliminate skin blemishes

You can find whey at health food or beauty stores. The acid contained in it leaves the skin clean and eliminates age and sun spots.

Apply daily to washed skin before going to sleep.

3. Aloe vera

This plant should never be missing in the home, because it has excellent properties for the skin. It is very useful for healing wounds, as well as for eliminating age spots.

What’s more, its application is very simple:

  • Cut an aloe vera leaf at the base and remove the pulp.
  • Wash your neck and face well and apply this gel.
  • Allow to absorb, without rinsing.

4. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an ingredient that we all have in the kitchen, because thanks to its particular flavor it enhances the flavor of our dishes.

However, this product is not only used in the culinary field: it can also be used to treat various skin problems and infections.

The acids present in the vinegar eliminate dead cells and rejuvenate the skin. The treatment can be done in two ways: external or internal. In the latter case, it is necessary to drink the preparation every day.


  • Half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (about 5 ml)
  • A cup of water (250 ml)
  • A teaspoon of honey (7.5 g)


  • Add the vinegar to the water.
  • Mix and drink every morning.
  • If the flavor is too strong, honey can be added to sweeten the drink.

If you choose to apply the treatment externally, however, you will need other ingredients, always easy to find.


  • Half a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (about 5 ml)
  • An onion
  • Half a tablespoon of rose water (about 5 ml)


  • Peel the onion and, with the help of a mortar, crush it until you get a sort of puree.
  • Add the apple cider vinegar and rose water.
  • Mix well until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Carefully wash the parts to be treated with water and neutral soap and dry.
  • Apply the mask obtained and leave it to act for about twenty minutes before removing it with plenty of warm water.

5. Castor oil

Castor oil is an excellent ally to counteract skin blemishes

Increasingly used in beauty treatments thanks to its properties, castor oil can be an excellent ally against age spots.

Applying it is really very simple: just pour a few drops on your hands and pass it on the affected areas every evening.

Castor oil, in fact, is one of the most effective for the skin, since it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. 

Daily use of this treatment will make the skin softer and clearer, free from wrinkles or blemishes.

6. Hydrogen peroxide

Here is another product that can never be missing in the home, an essential element of any medicine cabinet. Hydrogen peroxide, ideal for disinfecting wounds, in this case is also excellent for reducing skin blemishes.

  • Rub a cotton ball dipped in hydrogen peroxide on the affected areas, do not rinse.
  • Carry out the treatment every night, before going to sleep.

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