Fruits To Fight Gastritis: Here Are The Best

The apple is recommended for both constipation and diarrhea, so its intake is essential. Try to include it in your recipes.
Fruits to fight gastritis: here are the best

Raise your hand if you have never suffered from gastritis … There are many natural remedies to relieve the discomfort of this disease. But did you know the benefits of some fruits to fight gastritis?

Gastritis can be caused by several factors. The most common is undoubtedly an inadequate lifestyle.

In the event that among the symptoms you have there are also vomiting, lower back pain, abdominal tension or chronic fatigue it is very important that you go to the doctor immediately so that he can prescribe the right medicines and can advise you about it.

In this article we want to show you which are the best fruits to fight gastritis. They all have a high level of fiber and nutrients and offer important benefits.

The fruits to fight gastritis

1. The pear

Pear is one of the fruits for fighting gastritis

Thanks to its content of vitamins B1, B2, B3, A and C and the fiber,  the pear is one of the best fruits to fight gastritis. In fact, it regulates the digestive system and the nervous system.

2. The papaya

Thanks to its high content of vitamins B1, B2, A and C it is one of the main fruits to fight gastritis. It is also important because it is rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, sulfur and potassium.

This is why papaya is one of the fruits that promote good digestion. In addition, it is good for the skin, hair, bones and the proper functioning of the immune system.

You can chop a slice of papaya and put it in the blender together with a jar of skimmed yogurt: blend for a few minutes and drink a glass of this natural smoothie for breakfast, mid-morning or after lunch. You will see what a delight!

3. The banana

Banana is also one of the fruits to fight gastritis

It is one of the fruits that contains the most fiber, is low in fat and protein, is a source of energy and helps accelerate digestion, as well as having a slightly laxative effect. Thanks to its richness in zinc, it also helps to strengthen the hair and fights its fall.

If you suffer from gastritis, try to eat ripe bananas ,  since consuming them when they are unripe can cause stomach problems.

4. The coconut

It is great for its high content of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It also stands out among other fruits for its high content of nutrients such as fiber, which improves intestinal transit.

Like banana, it has a mild laxative function  that allows you to better cleanse the body.

If you often feel heaviness in your stomach, it is recommended that you consume a glass of coconut water every day.

5. Fishing

Peach is one of the fruits for fighting gastritis

This sweet and delicious fruit has numerous health properties, acts as a diuretic and laxative; in addition, it contains vitamins A, C and E, which help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s, cataracts and cancer.

It is rich in minerals such as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the proper functioning of the immune system. Being easy to digest, it also helps the liver in the digestive process.

If you want to prepare an excellent drink for gastritis with this fruit, follow our recipe. You are ready? Here she is!


  • 2 tablespoons of peach leaves
  • 1 cup of boiling water

Let the leaves infuse in the water for a few minutes, let them cool and drink a cup two or three times a day.

6. The apple

Thanks to one of its components, called pectin, the apple in contact with the water inside the body forms a gel that helps protect the intestine.

If you do not suffer from constipation, but from diarrhea (since both can occur when you suffer from gastritis) this fruit also has the function of absorbing liquids, making sure that the stools solidify.

As you can see, the benefits offered by these fruits to fight gastritis are many. It is not enough to consume just one fruit. Vary every day so you appreciate them more and don’t get bored.

You can also look for recipes that contain them and that motivate you to eat more fruit and thus improve the quality of your life. And you, which fruits do you consume most often?


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