7 Home Remedies To Expel Kidney Stones

There are some natural remedies that can help you get rid of kidney stones. In addition, it is also useful to follow some correct dietary rules and, of course, consult a specialist whenever necessary.
7 home remedies to expel kidney stones

What natural remedies can be used to expel kidney stones?

Kidney stones are made up of hard deposits of salts and minerals that form in the kidneys. They can involve any part of the urinary tract, from the kidneys to the bladder, and are formed when urine becomes concentrated, thus allowing minerals to crystallize and combine.

Expelling kidney stones can be quite painful when the patient does not hydrate properly and does not receive adequate treatment, or if he does not maintain a healthy lifestyle.

However, when identified and treated correctly, they can be expelled without causing major discomfort or permanent damage.

Generally, the treatment consists of drinking water (to make the stones dissolve and then facilitate their expulsion through the urine), follow a balanced diet, avoid excesses and, in some cases, take analgesics to relieve some annoyances.

If your doctor has diagnosed you with kidney stones, you will need to follow his advice. Depending on the type of calculations, you will need to make some adjustments to your diet.

Kidney stone patients are usually advised to avoid the following foods:

  • Salt.
  • Sugar.
  • Eggs.
  • Offal.
  • Seafood.
  • Red meat.
  • Dairy product.
  • Refined flours.
  • Alcoholic beverages.
  • Industrial drinks (flavored waters, infusions, teas, juices, carbonated drinks and the like).


Natural remedies to expel kidney stones

In the following lines we will talk about some natural remedies that can help you to expel kidney stones more easily.

1. Water: the best remedy to expel kidney stones

Woman drinking water to expel kidney stones.

Water is the simplest and most effective remedy to try to get rid of kidney stones. Make sure you drink it according to your thirst, but, if you realize you don’t get to consume even two glasses a day, consider programming a couple of alarms on your mobile phone, so that you start drinking at least 4- 5 glasses a day.

2. Horsetail

L’ horsetail is a medicinal plant with diuretic properties that stimulate kidney function and, moreover, help fight inflammation and discomfort associated with water retention.

To enjoy its benefits, you can take it for long periods of time. We can drink it in the form of an infusion (the most advisable choice) or ingest it in capsules.

3. Mixed natural juices


Natural juices prepared based on vegetables and fruits rich in water (such as watermelon, tomato, melon, grapefruit and the like) are able to hydrate you and, at the same time, support kidney function. Try different combinations to find the one you like best and prepare your own customized versions.

The combination of apple, oats, spinach leaves, and cucumber can be a great way to start.

Green apple juice.

4. Vegetable drinks

Another useful possibility to ensure you maintain good hydration is to consume vegetable drinks (preferably natural, with no added sugars), because they are light and provide some nutrients that are good for the health of the whole body, without just supporting the renal system.

3. Foods rich in vitamin C

Expelling kidney stones: foods rich in vitamin C.

There C vitamin it is a vitamin that cannot be missing from a balanced diet. THE It prevents stones from solidifying and makes it easier to gradually eliminate them . Some foods in which you can find it are the following:

  • Kiwi.
  • Parsley.
  • Acerola.
  • Guava.
  • Red fruits.
  • Rosehip.

4. Hazelnuts

This dried fruit has some properties that allow it to help prevent the formation of urinary stones. Hence, the consumption of hazelnuts is particularly suitable for preventing this problem, especially if you already know that you are predisposed to suffering from kidney stones.

One way in which we can consume hazelnuts is to prepare recipes for hazelnut cream with cocoa at home. Unlike the ready-made ones, they can be prepared without the use of dairy products or sugar. This way they will be a very healthy food.

7. Local heat

To facilitate the expulsion of kidney stones and soothe any discomfort or pain in the area, we can apply heat locally in any way possible. .

Also, you will be surprised by the great relaxing power of this simple remedy which you can enjoy every night before going to bed.

First of all, follow a healthy lifestyle

Remember that getting rid of kidney stones is a process that can take some time, so don’t rush. Follow your doctor’s recommendations, drink plenty of water, and most importantly, maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will see how you improve and be able to enjoy long-term well-being.

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