Mental Health: 7 Points For Conducting An Effective Self-examination

Taking care of your mental health and avoiding anything that can damage it is essential to live a full life, in which to be the protagonists.
Mental Health: 7 points for conducting an effective self-examination

When it comes to mental health, we immediately think of those clinical disorders  that completely alter the quality of life of people and their surrounding environment.

Well, in reality, there are many individuals who face emotional problems that cause various diseases day after day.

This is the case of hidden depression or anxiety crises that directly affect their calm, their psychological balance.

No one is immune to this reality in which, often, our thoughts and attitudes become our enemies. It is therefore necessary to take them into account, identify them, minimize them and reinterpret these inner worlds.

In this way, we will be able to face our life in a more complete way, with greater self-esteem and a clear desire to take over the reins of our well-being.

Below we propose to put into practice a self-examination. It is just a matter of reviewing certain aspects of your life to assess your mental health .

Mental Health: 7 points for conducting an effective self-examination

1. I obsess about things that haven’t happened yet

Anticipating negative events that have not yet occurred directly affects our mental health.  It’s not just about thinking the worst, imagining that if you do anything, everything will go wrong.

It can also concern the following dimensions:

  • Thinking so much about some things that, in the end, we are exhausted and do not even have the strength to act.
  • Obsess ourselves with certain trifles, words or facts by analyzing every little facet. We offer an exaggerated protagonism to some aspects that, in reality, are not so important.

2. Addiction to the past affects mental health

Hand on the glass

Whoever focuses all his attention, his thoughts and his desires on events that have already happened, does not live in the present.

  • Living with nostalgia is neither good nor healthy. We end up being totally defenseless, to the point of losing hope in the present moment.
  • It must be understood that the past is a drawer from which to draw precise lessons  that can be applied to the present. It is in it that the real opportunities to be happy arise.

3. Focus too much on what others are doing and saying

We are aware that we do not live on solitary islands. We are obliged to relate, to live together, to work with other people and to share experiences with friends, family or neighbors.

  • Well, living together does not correspond to depend, and it does not even mean being slaves to the opinions of others and judgments on values.
  • What others do or say must not affect us  to such an extent that it changes our way of living life or our being.
  • The more you reduce the intensity of that malaise from received criticism or misplaced comments, the better you will live.

4. Always be in a bad mood, get annoyed about anything

He shouted

Sometimes we go through moments of continuous malaise, nothing makes us laugh or attracts our interest.

Keep in mind that if your emotional state is characterized by this emotion for more than two consecutive months, you may already be talking about depression.

5. Not focusing on the important things causes mental illness

Going through a long period of stress has serious consequences: we stop giving importance to our priorities  or we forget what they are.

  • If you forget what makes you happy, if you leave behind what is really important, your internal compass will stop working as it should.
  • Stress and anxiety make us focus on aspects such as work goals, on items that torment us, on colleagues who exhaust us …
  • Our mind becomes saturated and unable to relax and focus on really important things: ourselves and our family.

6. Evade and conceal problems

Woman in the water, dressed

This is another common strategy. When something bothers us, worries us or alters our inner balance, we opt to escape or wear a mask of fake tranquility, as if nothing is happening.   

  • If I’m unhappy at home, I try to spend as much time as possible outside.
  • If I have a problem with a person, I avoid them.

All these attitudes solve nothing. We will only intensify the malaise or postpone the moment until there is no other solution left but to address the problem.

7. Mental health: being able to say “NO”

Practicing assertiveness every day allows us to maintain good mental health. Conversely, if we are unable to say “yes” without feeling guilty and “no” without fear, we will navigate the ocean of frustration and unhappiness.

  • Those who do not know or dare to set limits will allow access to people who will exercise contempt, manipulation and will play with their vulnerability.
  • Don’t allow it. Learn to set boundaries assertively and take care of your mental health.   

Finally, don’t forget. Reflect on these 7 dimensions and give importance to the aspects of your life that you need to modify, or improve, to find that inner balance that will allow you to build real and satisfying happiness.

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