House Plants, How To Grow Rosemary, Parsley And Mint

By growing our aromatic plants we make sure that they do not have pesticides and we can always have them fresh available, preserving all the flavor and aroma.
House plants, such as growing rosemary, parsley, and mint

Aromatic herbs such as rosemary, parsley and mint adapt easily to any type of soil and climatic conditions and are therefore very easy to grow at home. This type of house plants can be useful at any time for many culinary recipes, but also for numerous natural remedies.

Today we want to teach you how to grow rosemary, parsley and mint. That way, you’ll always have these fresh, aromatic houseplants available to use whenever you need them.

Indoor plants # 1: how to grow rosemary

rosemary and oil

Rosemary is an aromatic herb with a thousand properties and useful health benefits. In the home it is used to prepare delicious roasts, but also as a natural repellent for mosquitoes and midges. This plant is very easy to grow indoors and does not require a lot of effort. Here are the steps to follow to grow rosemary at home.

What you will need:

  • Rosemary cutting or seeds.
  • Vases.
  • Topsoil.
  • Scoop.
  • Water.


  • Take some rosemary cuttings about 8 centimeters long. If possible, cut them in early summer .
  • If you don’t have rosemary cuttings, you can purchase the seeds.
  • Fill a pot with soil and make sure it has a good drainage system to get rid of excess water.
  • Place the cuttings or seeds in potting soil and place the plant in an area of ​​the house that receives lots of sunlight.
  • An alternative is to plant rosemary in the garden, as this plant adapts easily to any soil.
  • Rosemary is an aromatic plant that prefers dry terrao, so avoid watering it too much.

House plants # 2: how to grow parsley

benefits of parsley

Parsley is a plant rich in health benefits and with multiple culinary uses. It can be grown easily at home and is a great way to preserve its flavor and aroma when used in cooking. Home grown parsley is fresher, tastes better and retains all of its beneficial properties.

What you will need:

  • Parsley seeds.
  • Vases.
  • Topsoil.
  • Water.


  • The first thing to do is to identify the area of ​​the house that receives between 4 and 6 hours of light a day. The sun is very important for parsley to grow, it is very difficult to grow without it.
  • Fill the pot with soil, leaving a few centimeters free at the top. Afterward, plant the parsley seeds. They can be planted at any time of the year, although you should avoid exposing them to too cold or too hot a climate.
  • Remember that parsley germination is a bit slow and for this reason it is not uncommon for several days to pass before something comes out of the soil.
  • The pot must be equipped with a drainage system to be able to filter the water and prevent the plant from suffocating.
  • To get a healthy and tender plant, you don’t have to let the flowers bloom. The best thing to do is tear them off. You can use the flowers and seeds to plant more parsley pots.

Indoor plants # 3: how to grow mint

mint house plants

Mint is a highly regarded herb that serves to prevent and treat various health problems. In the home, it is used as a repellent against ants, gurgling and other common plant pests.

It is also widely used in beauty remedies, as it has the property of toning the skin. This plant is very easy to grow indoors and does not require a lot of care. Here are the instructions to follow for an always fresh home thanks to mint.

What you will need:

  • Mint cuttings or seeds.
  • Vases.
  • Topsoil.


  • A very simple way to grow mint is by using the cutting of another plant. It is also possible to use seeds.
  • Mint grows horizontally, so we recommend using a pot that is at least 20 cm wide and deep.
  • Make sure the pot has a drainage system to remove excess water.
  • Fill the pot with soil, preferably the one rich in nutrients.
  • Plant the mint cuttings or seeds.
  • While mint needs sunlight, it’s best to keep it in the shade for as long as possible .
  • It is important to water it regularly as this plant prefers slightly moist soil.

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